京东分销系统:see look watch在使用上有什么不同?

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/04 06:24:37

如:Can you see the boy over there?
如:He is looking at the picture.
如:watch TV(电视画面是变化的)
watch a match(比赛也是动态的)

see看见 see sb doing sth
look看 look at(up/down……)

See, the most general, can mean merely to use the faculty of sightbut more often implies recognition, understanding, or appreciation:
See 是最常见的,它可以只指用视觉器官,但更经常暗示发现、理解或明白:
“We must . . . give the image of what we actually see” (Paul Cézanne).
“我们一定会对我们看到过的东西留下印象” (保罗·塞尚)。
“If I have seen further (than . . . Descartes) it is by standing upon the shoulders of Giants” (Isaac Newton).
“如果我已经(比迪卡尔)看得更远,那是因为我站到了巨人的肩膀上” (伊萨克·牛顿)。

look是常用词, 指“注意或有意识地看”, 如:
He looked but saw nothing.
他看了, 但什么也没看见。

watch 表示“观看”或“监视”的意思,一般目的物应处于运动状态。
One day there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in,so it was easier for the detective to watch her.

see 是强调看的结果
look 是强调看的过程
watch 通常指看电视,电影,比赛等