北京大兴旧宫镇 火灾:Nathaniel 是法国的?

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/02 19:13:20

纳撒尼尔.霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1804-1864), 美国小说家。


  描写社会和人性的阴暗面是霍桑作品的突出特点,这与加尔文教关于人的“原罪”和“内在堕落”的理论的影响是分不开的。霍桑是心理小说的开创者,擅长剖析人的“内心”。他着重探讨道德和罪恶的问题,主张通过善行和自忏来洗刷罪恶、净化心灵,从而得到拯救。然而霍桑并非全写黑暗,他在揭露社会罪恶和人的劣根性的同时,对许多善良的主人公寄予极大的同情。正如他的朋友、作家赫尔曼.梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)所指出的,霍桑的黑暗使在这黑暗中不停前进的黎明显得更加明亮。霍桑对美国文学的发展做出了很大的贡献。他对亨利.詹姆斯、福克纳及马拉默德等后代作家的影响是显而易见的。


  Hawthorne wrote Fanshawe, a novel based on his college life, and published it at his own ex­pense in 1828. It was a failure. So he devoted most of his energies to short tales and sketches, which appeared in The Token in Boston in the early 1830s. Then he wrote a collection of short stories -----Seven Tales of My Native Land, but he burnt most of them. In 1837 he published his first collection of short stories entitled Twice-Told Tales, which brought his name before the reading public and won him critical acclaim, but little money. This marked a turning point both in its author"s career and in his personal life. He expanded it in 1842.

  In 1839, he became engaged to Sophia Peabody. In order to earn some money for his mar­riage, Hawthorne did three things. He took a job as a surveyor at the Boston Custom House. Then he wrote children"s books" to make money in 1840 and 1841. They were Grandfather"s Chair, Fa­mous Old People, and The liberty Tree. The third thing is that he invested his savings at Brook Farm, a utopian agricultural commune set up by transcendentalists. Hawthorne joined this adventure for five months, hoping that he could make a profit. He left disillusioned at the end of the summer in 1841. In 1842 Hawthorne was married and went to live at the Old Manse in Concord, Mas­sachusetts. In 1846, he published his second collection of short stories Mosses from an Old Manse, but earned little money. Meanwhile he worked as surveyor of the Customs at Salem.

  While working at the Custom House at Salem from 1846 to 1849, he studied his family history and became intensely sorry for the misdeeds of his Puritan ancestors. In order to expiate the sin of his ancestors, he wrote parts of his most famous novel The Scarlet Letter, which was published in 1850. It was a literary sensation and Hawthorne was proclaimed as the first American romancer.

  The Scarlet Letter is set in the 17th-century Boston and opens as Hester Prynne walks out of the prison to stand exposed on the public scaffold with a scarlet letter "A" on her breast as a lifelong sign of her sin of adultery. Hester gives birth to her daughter Pearl hut refuses to reveal her sexual partner. When her long-separated husband Chillingworth comes to America and discovers her rela­tions with the minister Dimmesdale, he is determined to punish the lovers spiritually. When Dimmesdale cannot endure Chillingworth"s humiliation and inner torment any longer1 he confesses his sin on the public scaffold before his death. Hester sustains all humiliation and proves to he ~ strong-minded and capable woman. As she is ready to offer help and advice to other women in trou­ble, she is loved and respected by people in the town. She continues her life of penance and be-comes a model of endurance, goodness, courage, and victory over sin.

  The most powerful appeal of the novel to the reader is the remarkable way Hawthorne manage( to evoke emotional sympathy for the heroine. He received wide recognition and earned some mane this time. It was not exactly a best-seller, but it had firmly consolidated his literary position. Hi publisher chose to reissue Twice- Told Tales in 1851 to enhance Hawthorne"s reputation. He the; published The Snow Image and Other rates and The House of the Seven Gables in 1851, The Blithe dale Romance and The life of Franklin Pierce in 1852. Besides, he also produced more book for children. True Stories from History and Biography (1851), A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boy (1852), Tanglewood Tales for Girls and Boys (1853). Hawthorne was rewarded when Pierce was elected President. Hawthorne was made U. S. consul in Liverpool from 1853 to 1857, and he tra veled in England, in Florence, Italy, and in London until 1860.

  Hawthorne had more influence of European literature after his time of living on the Continent than before. He wrote The Marble Faun (1860) about Americans in Rome whereas all of his other works had been set in Puritan New England. In 1860 he returned home in Concord and spent the last four years of his life in illness and depression. He published Our Old Home, a book of essay on England, in 1863. While visiting the White Mountains of New Hampshire with Franklin Pierce he died on May 19, 1864 and was buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Concord. Four unfinished novels eventually appeared as Septimius Felton: or, the Elixir of life (1872), The Dolliver Romance (1876), Dr. Grimshawe"s Secret (1882), and The Ancestral Footstep (1883).
