
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 08:05:29
you have applied for an entry clearance for the united
kingdom as a family visitor.i have carefully
considered your application on the basis of your
passport,application form,and the papers you have
provided.you have declared that the information you
have given is complete and true to the best of your
knowledge.however,i am not satisfied,on the balance of
probabilities,that your application meets the
requirements of paragraph 41,for the following
that you are a genuine visitor for a limited period .
That you will be able to maintain and accommodate
yourself adequately out of resources available to you
without recourse to public funds or taking employment.
That you intend to leave the United Kingdom at the end
of your proposed visit.
You have applied to visit your sisiter.I recognise the
importance of family visits and am satisfied with the
bona fides of your sponsor and their ability to
provide adequate maintenance and accommodation to you
during your proposed visit to the UK.However,when
assessing your application for a visa,the Immigration
Rules require me to be satisfied that you personally
qualify for a visa.
When you applied for your visa,it was made clear to
you that your application should be fully
documented,You were advised of the type of documents
the Entry Clearance Officers find helpful when they
make their decisions.You chose to submit your
application despite having been advised that the
supporting documents you had included were unlikely to
be comprehensive enough.
You state you are employed and have been with your
employer since 1999.Your claimed monthly income is
RMB2,000.You have failed to provide evidence of your
income or savings in China.Whilst this is only one
element of your application,in the absence of
documentary evidence.I am not satisfied on the balance
of probabilities that you have provided an accurate
picture of your personal circumtance.This means that
iI am not satisfied that you intend to leave the UK at
the end of your visit.
In support of your funding you have provided one fixed
term deposit in the amount of RMB60,000,however,I note
that this is in your father's name.There is no
indication of any other funds or savings he holds,and
that together with the lack of documentation relating
to your finances means I am unable to ascertain the
true economic circumstances of your family in China.I
am threrfore not satisfied you will be in a position
to maintain and accommodate yourself without recourse
to public funds or taking employment.
The reasons you have given and the preparations you
have made with regard to you proposed visit,taken in
conjunction with your personal and economic
circumstances,as I have detailed above,lead me to
doubt,on the balance of probabilities,that you are a
genuine visitor for a limited period.
I am therefore not satisfied that you are genuinely
seeking entry for the purpose and for the period as
stated by you.

大意是你的签证被拒签, 主要因为你没法提供充分的经济及其他文件来证明你没有移民倾向。

You have applied for an entry clearance for the united
kingdom as a family visitor.

I have carefully considered your application on the basis of your passport,application form,and the papers you have
provided.you have declared that the information you
have given is complete and true to the best of your
我已经根据你的护照, 申请表及你提供的文件详细考虑了你的申请。 你声明据你所知, 提供了完整正确的资料。

However,I am not satisfied,on the balance of
probabilities,that your application meets the
requirements of paragraph 41,for the following
但是, 从可能性上考虑, 我并不认为你的申请符合41 节的要求, 原因如下:

that you are a genuine visitor for a limited period .

That you will be able to maintain and accommodate
yourself adequately out of resources available to you
without recourse to public funds or taking employment.
你有能力根据你自己的状况维持自己的生活, 而不动用到公共基金或者打工。

That you intend to leave the United Kingdom at the end
of your proposed visit.

You have applied to visit your sisiter.I recognise the
importance of family visits and am satisfied with the
bona fides of your sponsor and their ability to
provide adequate maintenance and accommodation to you
during your proposed visit to the UK.However,when
assessing your application for a visa,the Immigration
Rules require me to be satisfied that you personally
qualify for a visa.

你申请探访你的妹妹/姐姐。 我了解家庭探访的重要性, 对你担保人的可信度及他们为你在英国探访期间提供足够的生活住宿能力感到满意。可是,评估你的签证申请时, 移民法规要求我对你签证个人条件感到满意。

When you applied for your visa,it was made clear to
you that your application should be fully
documented,You were advised of the type of documents
the Entry Clearance Officers find helpful when they
make their decisions.You chose to submit your
application despite having been advised that the
supporting documents you had included were unlikely to
be comprehensive enough.
你申请签证时, 已经清楚对你说明申请必须具有完整的文件。 你已被告知签证官做决定时认为有帮助的文件类型。在被告知你提供的支持文件不大可能全面的情况下, 你选择递交申请。

You state you are employed and have been with your
employer since 1999.Your claimed monthly income is
RMB2,000.You have failed to provide evidence of your
income or savings in China.
你声明你有工作, 从1999 年起一直在你雇主处就职。你声称你的月薪是2000 人民币。但是没有提供你中国收入及存款的证明。

Whilst this is only one element of your application,in the absence of documentary evidence.I am not satisfied on the balance of probabilities that you have provided an accurate picture of your personal circumtance.This means that I am not satisfied that you intend to leave the UK at the end of your visit.
这只是你申请里缺乏书面证明的一个部分。根据种种可能性,我不能满意你提供了你准确的个人情况。也就是说, 我不能满意你在观光期后会离开英国。

In support of your funding you have provided one fixed
term deposit in the amount of RMB60,000,however,I note
that this is in your father's name.There is no
indication of any other funds or savings he holds,and
that together with the lack of documentation relating
to your finances means I am unable to ascertain the
true economic circumstances of your family in China.
你提供了一个人民币6 万的死期存款来证明你的款项,可是, 我发现这是在你父亲的名下。没有显示他有其他资金或者存款, 此因素加上缺乏你经济状况的文件。我不能确信你家庭在中国的真正经济详情。

I am threrfore not satisfied you will be in a position
to maintain and accommodate yourself without recourse
to public funds or taking employment.
因此, 我不能满意你有能力维持自己的生活, 而不动用到公共基金或者打工。

The reasons you have given and the preparations you
have made with regard to you proposed visit,taken in
conjunction with your personal and economic
circumstances,as I have detailed above,lead me to
doubt,on the balance of probabilities,that you are a
genuine visitor for a limited period.

你给的理由及你为你的探访提交的准备, 加上我上面已经详细说明的你的个人及经济状况, 使得我怀疑, 居于各种可能性,你是一个真正的短期观光者。

I am therefore not satisfied that you are genuinely
seeking entry for the purpose and for the period as
stated by you.

[5dB:bi:, 5dE:bi]
英国中部的都市, 英国的大赛马会(1780年德贝伯爵所创立,每年六月的第一个星期三在London附近Epsom举行,参赛马龄平均为三岁,这天称为Derby Day), 赛马会

金属块, 块状金属, 帽状物体

A city of central England west of Nottingham. Settled by the Romans, it is a trade and manufacturing center with a pottery industry dating from the 18th century. Population, 216,500.

AHD:[dûr“b¶] 英式英语 [där“b¶]
D.J.[6dT8bi8]英式英语 [6d$8bi8]
K.K.[6dPbi]英式英语 [6d$rbi]
【复数】 der.bies
Sports Any of various annual horseraces, especially for three-year-olds.
【体育运动】 德比马赛:每年一度的马术比赛,尤指为三岁的马举行的比赛
Sports A formal race usually having an open field of contestants:
【体育运动】 公开赛:对参赛者公开参赛条件的正式比赛:
a motorcycle derby.
A stiff felt hat with a round crown and a narrow, curved brim.

After Edward Stanley, 12th Earl of Derby (1752-1834), founder of the English Derby
源自爱德华·斯坦利 德比 十二等伯爵(1752-1834年),英国德比创建者

[5dB:bi:, 5dE:bi]
德比(英格兰中部一城市, Derbyshire的首府)
(英国 Epsom Downs 的)德比赛马
大赛马; 大竞赛

金属块, 块状金属, 帽状物体

A city of central England west of Nottingham. Settled by the Romans, it is a trade and manufacturing center with a pottery industry dating from the 18th century. Population, 216,500.

AHD:[dûr“b¶] British [där“b¶]
D.J.[6dT8bi8]British [6d$8bi8]
K.K.[6dPbi]British [6d$rbi]
pl. der.bies
Sports Any of various annual horseraces, especially for three-year-olds.
Sports A formal race usually having an open field of contestants:
a motorcycle derby.
A stiff felt hat with a round crown and a narrow, curved brim.

After Edward Stanley, 12th Earl of Derby (1752-1834), founder of the English Derby


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