保健品批文号查询:one another和each other的区别

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有谁知道one another和each other的区别再者谢谢了

one after another

one after the other


On after another的意思是“先后”或“相继”,相当于in succession 或one by one。例:

Our factory has concluded with many counterparts in the United States,one after another,agreements of cooperation


Many candidates of the New Territories,one after another,stood up and expressed their opinions.


One after the other的意思是“交替地”,相当于alternately。例:

The college students,one after the other,expressed their opinions in the debate lessons


有些英美语法书说:one after another用于三者或三者以上的场合,而one after the other只能用于两者的场合。其实,实际情况并非如此。例如,在下例中: A dozen cars came out of the gate,one after another.


有不少英美人士,在这种情况下,也用one after the other来表达。因为用one after the other表达时,说话人是把这些小汽车分为每“两辆”作为一组看待,两辆两辆轮流交替。用one after another时,说话人是把十几辆小汽车看作“一个连续不断的整体”,而不是以“二”作为一个单位看待。因此,one after the other也可用于指两者以上事物的场合。

应当在此补充一句,one another和each other也存在着类似的区别,但each other也可以用于三者或三者以上的场合,正如between和among一样,between亦可用于三者或三者以上的场合。

两个词组都是“互相”的意思。one another 是古代英语的用法用于三者以上的互相之间。现在不管两者还是三者以上都用each other. 如: They helped each other./They helped one another 意思是一样的。

one another 指两者以上each other 指两者之间

one another 是指两个或两个以上的人中的另外一个
each other 是指两个人彼此之间的关系词

one another是指三人之间的互相
而each other是指两人之间的

each other 是个固定词组,指"互相,彼此",用于两个人的情况

one another需要分开用,表示其中之一.....另外一个....
There are two books:one is on family,another is on marriage.