
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 03:15:06
On Suicide in China
For a layman of sociology ,this is the first time I learn
in details about the suicide phenomenon in China. The figure should be accurate since a professor and some of quoted them
the sources come from the leading medical school like Harvard.
I, for all reasons , shows respect to this Robert Neal. One
or two years ago, I cultivated an interest in the books by
Li Yin He, a PhD. in the china academy of social science ,
who also wrote a series of books on sex and also appeared frequently on television. most intellectuals get to know her well , probably for the sake of her deceased husband, that famous celebrity Wang Xiao Bo. I am a fan of Wang but his wife , Li also intrigues me most with her unique perspective in the common social events. anyone here also interested in this couple? Wang got his master's degree in university. of Pitts berg around ten years ago , if my memory is reliable this time.

As once said by a saint , it is a sin to commit suicide. or you can also conclude the higher the suicide rate in a society, the more sin committed by the people there. yeah, now comes the intriguing question. What causes people to practice this one-way solution? what lacks in this essay , or should be included to make this argument more persuasive, would be the comparative figures of decades ago. I.e.: In 1900 's. at that time , people all around the world could enjoy at best half as luxury a life as we now live comfortably with ease. no television, no computer, no internet, no electricity , not to mention any of the cool stuffs we take for granted for so long that they are almost assumed to be eternal. But an afterthought will clarify that all of the basic worries of human beings , are ridiculously not alleviated in the least sense. famine repression,war , slaughter , or any kind of atrocities you
can mention , are as rampant as thousand of years ago. suicide,
the ultimate relief one could offer him by defying the purport of deity,the will of god , more often than not become the only escape one can get him out of the persistent agony all day and all night.

On Suicide in China

For a layman of sociology ,this is the first time I learn in details about the suicide phenomenon in China. The figure should be accurate since a professor and some of quoted them the sources come from the leading medical school like Harvard. I, for all reasons , shows respect to this Robert Neal.


One or two years ago, I cultivated an interest in the books by Li Yin He, a PhD. in the china academy of social science ,who also wrote a series of books on sex and also appeared frequently on television.


most intellectuals get to know her well ,pobably for the sake of her deceased husband, that famous celebrity Wang Xiao Bo. I am a fan of Wang but his wife ,


Li also intrigues me most with her unique perspective in the common social events. anyone here also interested in this couple? Wang got his master's degree in university. of Pitts berg around ten years ago , if my memory is reliable this time.


As once said by a saint , it is a sin to commit suicide. or you can also conclude the higher the suicide rate in a society, the more sin committed by the people there. yeah, now comes the intriguing question. What causes people to practice this one-way solution?


what lacks in this essay , or should be included to make this argument more persuasive, would be the comparative figures of decades ago. I.e.: In 1900 's. at that time , people all around the world could enjoy at best half as luxury a life as we now live comfortably with ease.


no television, no computer, no internet, no electricity , not to mention any of the cool stuffs we take for granted for so long that they are almost assumed to be eternal.


But an afterthought will clarify that all of the basic worries of human beings , are ridiculously not alleviated in the least sense. famine repression,war , slaughter , or any kind of atrocities you can mention , are as rampant as thousand of years ago. suicide,


suicide,the ultimate relief one could offer him by defying the purport of deity,the will of god , more often than not become the only escape one can get him out of the persistent agony all day and all night.


;'( 你想累死俺们

实在是长 大家可能没有那么多时间


对于一个社会科学的外行来说,这是我第一次了解到中国自杀现象的细节. 数据应当是精确的,因为来自哈佛大学的国际领先的医学教授在课程中引用了他们。不管什么原因我对“Robert Neal充满崇敬之情。

一两年前,我对中国社会科学院“Li Yin He”博士的书满怀兴趣,此人也写了一系列性爱方面的著作并频繁地出现在荧屏上。我对她了解最深的或许来自她的阳萎的丈夫著名学者王小波的命运。王晓波. 我是王的崇拜者但是他的妻子李也以她在普通的社会事件中独一无二的崇敬最大限度的吸引着我。这里有对这对夫妇感兴趣的吗?王十年前在匹兹堡大学获得博士学位,如果我没有记错的话。

圣经信徒曾经说, 自杀是一种罪恶。 或者你能够得出结论:自杀铝越高的社会,那里人们的犯罪也越多。好,现在回到教唆问题。是什么因素导致人们选择这种单行的解决办法呢?本文中缺乏什么,或者说应该引用什么材料才能使这个争论更加令人信服,应该是几十年前的数字对比:例如,20世纪90年代的时候,全世界的人们可以像我们现在一样无忧无虑地生活。没有电视电脑,没有网络,没有电力,更不用提那些我们很久以前就自认为是安全的那些速冻食品了。 但是一个深思熟虑的看法表明人类所有最基本的忧患乃是非常讽刺的本性的泯灭。

