
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/06 17:48:20

Son:Dad,does father know more than his son?
Dad:Quite right.
Son:Who invented vapous machine?
Dad:Watt did.
Son:Why didn’t his father invent it?

The reason of white hair
Dougher:Mom,there’s some white hair on your
Mom:Because you don’t listen to mom
Daughter:Oh,I know the reasen why my
grandma’s hair is all white.

Test paper
Petter:Mom,my dad hit me hard two times today.
Mom:What’s wrong/the reason?
Petter:The first time,he hit me after he saw a test
paper with the mark 2.The second time,
he hit me after he found the test paper
was his own when he was a pupil.

It’s hard to get up/I’m not a hen.
Mom:Get up,get up,Jack.The cock has aloued for
several times.
Jack:It has nothing to do with me.
I’m not a hen.

Maths is easy
Mom:My son,you are a pupil if Grade one which
is easy,maths or chinese?
Son:Maths is easy.
Son:You see,there are a lot of new words in
chinese, but there are only ten numbers
in maths.

A:Thank you for helping me with my study
B:Thank you,too.
A:Thank you three
B:What are you thank for...
A:I am thank you five

Kavin:"My wife and I argue a lot. She's very touchy-the least little thing sets her off."

Christopher:"you're lucky.Mine is a self-starter"

1. TEACHER: George, go to the map and find North America.

GEORGE: Here it is!

TEACHER: Correct. Now, class, who discovered America?

CLASS: George!

2. TEACHER: Ellen, give me a sentence starting with "I".

ELLEN: I is...

TEACHER: No, Ellen. We always say, "I am."

ELLEN: All right... "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."

3. TEACHER: If I had seven oranges in one hand and eight oranges in the other, what would I have?

CLASS: Big hands!

4. TEACHER: Didn't you promise to behave?

STUDENT: Yes, Sir.

TEACHER: And didn't I promise to punish you if you didn't?

STUDENT: Yes, Sir, but since I broke my promise, I don't expect you to keep yours.

5. TEACHER: In this box, I have a 10-feet snake.

SAMMY: You can't fool me, Teacher... snakes don't have feet.
小姐:You have what thing?
老外:Can you speak English?
小姐:If I not speak English, I am speaking what?
老外:Can anybody else speak English?
小姐:You yourself look. All people are playing, no people have time.
老外:Anybody here can speak English?
小姐:Shout what shout, quiet a little, you on earth have what thing?
老外:I want to speak to your head.
小姐:Head not zai. You tomorrow come