
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/07 08:39:17
3、Fit at least one energy-saving light bulb
They're not cheap, these energy saving light bulbs, but over their lifetime they'll save you 65 quid and a lot more besides.
And we're not just talking about the pain of getting the wobbly step ladder out from under the stairs but the environmental saving this small action can make.
Most of us use light bulbs designed about 100 years ago, inefficiently producing nearly as much heat as light. And it doesn't end there, along with heat they produce carbon dioxide the nasty little gas that helps cause global warming.
In fact if every British household fitted just three bulbs enough energy would be saved to supply the entire country's urban lighting. (who does work this stuff out?). So lower bills over a year and a cleaner planet... err, why wouldn't you adopt this action?

4、Learn basic first aid
It takes fifty hours to learn to drive but only two to learn how to save a life. What else are you going to do in that time that is going to make such a difference?
Watch ‘stars in their eyes’ twice over?
It can take just four minutes for someone with a blocked airway to die, but eight minutes for an ambulance crew to arrive. Your two hour training would show you how to save that life immediately. The idea of saving someone’s life is cool. In fact, it's about as cool as you can possibly get, especially when you realise that statistically the person you help is unlikely to be a stranger.
They’re more likely to be a friend or relative.
Imagine saving your best friend's life.
Imagine giving up two hours of your incredibly busy schedule juggling the school run, food for the weekend and sending emails, with something really important.
Both St. John Ambulance and the Red Cross have essential skill courses find out more at


3、 安装至少一盏节能灯
