
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 14:54:15
The coexistence of many plant species competing for a few resources is one of the central puzzles of community ecology. One explanation is that different species may be competitively superior in different microhabitats. Many species could then coexist within each piece of a mosaic landscape by what has been termed ‘‘mass effects,’’ because subpopulations in areas with negative growth rates would be supplemented by propagules from areas with reproductive surpluses. If mass effects are important, plant species diversity should increase near habitat boundaries, especially where habitat differences are moderate. In the first experimental test of this prediction, plants were censused on 54 transects within the long-established Rothamsted Park Grass plots. Very few showed significant declines in species richness with distance fromsubplot boundaries. Nonetheless, the regression coefficients were negative much more often than expected by chance, suggesting that weak mass effects operated. The effect was strongest where neighboring subplots differed greatly, with no evidence of the predicted decline where differences were extreme. Detailed analyses of transects with apparent mass effects revealed few species that behaved as predicted. This study serves both to provide evidence of the existence of mass effects and to question their importance in the maintenance of local plant diversity in this system.
摘要 一些资源竞争的许多植物种类的共存是种群生态学的核心难题之一. 一个解释是各种不同得种群拥有在不同的微观动植物的生长环境中的竞争优势.许多种植物之所以可以通过以被称“质量效应”的方式在各个拼嵌区域块中共存,(是因为这个地区的植物的种群数是靠着繁殖体在这个区域内繁殖过剩来补充.)如果块效应显著,植物种类的多样性应该在栖息地边界的附近加强, 尤其是在微环境差异不大的地方。在检验这种猜测的第一个测试中,测定了在Rothamsted 公园草地54个长度固定的横向区域里面的植物。(Very few showed significant declines in species richness with distance fromsubplot boundaries.)但是, 回归系数是负数的几率比预料的多得多, 说明质量效应较弱。这种现象在差异很大的邻近subplots处表现得最为显著,(with no evidence of the predicted decline where differences were extreme。)通过对质量效应显著得横切区域的详尽分析,发现几乎没有哪种种类符合以上的猜测。这一项研究有力的证明了质量效应的存在并且回答了质量效应对于维护一个生态系统中的植物的多样性有着多么大的作用。


The coexistence of many plant species competing for a few resources is one of the central puzzles of community ecology.


One explanation is that different species may be competitively superior in different microhabitats.


Many species could then coexist within each piece of a mosaic landscape by what has been termed ‘‘mass effects,’’ because subpopulations in areas with negative growth rates would be supplemented by propagules from areas with reproductive surpluses.


If mass effects are important, plant species diversity should increase near habitat boundaries, especially where habitat differences are moderate.

如果群体效应很重要的话,植物种类的多样性应该在栖息地边界的附近加强, 尤其是在生存环境差异不大的地方。

In the first experimental test of this prediction, plants were censused on 54 transects within the long-established Rothamsted Park Grass plots.
在检验这种猜测的第一个测试中,测定了在稳定多时的Rothamsted 公园54个方块草地里面的植物

Very few showed significant declines in species richness with distance froms ubplot boundaries.

Nonetheless, the regression coefficients were negative much more often than expected by chance, suggesting that weak mass effects operated.

但是, 回归系数是负数的几率比偶然几率高得多, 说明较弱的群体效应起了作用。

The effect was strongest where neighboring subplots differed greatly, with no evidence of the predicted decline where differences were extreme. Detailed analyses of transects with apparent mass effects revealed few species that behaved as predicted.

这种现象在邻近小块草地有很大差异时最显著, 在极端差异的情况下没有预见的下降迹象。详细分析了具有群体效应的小块草地后, 只有很少的几种物种显示预料中的行为。

This study serves both to provide evidence of the existence of mass effects and to question their importance in the maintenance of local plant diversity in this system.

这一项研究既证明了群体效应的存在, 也对其在生态系统中植物的局部多样性维护作用的重要性提出质疑。

In Simplified Chinese:
许多植物种类共存争夺几资源是社区生态的当中一个中央难题。一个解释是, 另外种类也许竞争地是优胜者用不同的microhabitats 。许多种类能然后共存在马赛克风景的各个片断之内由什么被命名了' ' 许多作用,"因为亚人口在区域以负增长率由propagules 会补充从区域用再生节余。如果许多作用重要,植物种类变化应该增加在栖所界限附近,特别是栖所区别是适度的。在这个预言第一实验性测试,植物是censused 在54 transects 在长期建立的Rothamsted 公园草剧情之内。非常少量被显示的重大衰落在种类丰厚以距离fromsubplot 界限。仍然,退化系数比被期望经常是消极的偶然,建议, 微弱的许多作用经营。作用是最强的邻居次要情节很大地不同得的地方,没有区别是极端被预言的衰落的证据。对transects 的详细的分析以明显的许多作用显露了表现象被预言的少量种类。这项研究用于提供许多作用的存在的证据和对他们的重要性表示怀疑在地方植物变化维护在这个系统。