
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 01:47:28

Differences in Vocabulary (词汇的区别)

American English British English Chinese

apartment flat 公寓

bar pub 酒吧

bathroom toilet 厕所, 洗手间

busy(of telephone) engaged 电话占线

can(of beans) tin(of beans) 罐头

candy sweets 糖果

chalkboard / blackboard blackboard 黑板

check banknote / cheque 支票

cookie biscuit 饼干, 小点心

crazy mad 疯狂的

drugstore chemist's 药房

elevator lift 电梯

eraser rubber 橡皮

fall autumn 秋天

game match 比赛

garbage / trash rubbish 垃圾

gas, gasoline petrol 汽油

line queue 队伍

living room sitting room / drawing room 客厅

mad angry 气愤

mail post 邮递

mom mum 妈妈

movie / film film 电影

pant strousers 裤子

penpal penfriend 笔友

repair mend 修理

restroom(in public buildings) public toilet / WC(water closet) 公厕

Santa Claus Father Christmas 圣诞老人

schedule time table 时间表

sick ill 生病的

soccer football 足球

subway underground 地铁

stove cooker 炉子, 电炉

trillion billion 万亿

truck lorry / van 卡车, 货车

be on vacationbe on holiday 度假

elementary school / grade school primary school 小学

high school secondary school 中学

the first floor ground floor 一楼

the second floor first floor 二楼

Differences in Spelling(拼写的区别)

American English British English

theater, center, liter theatre, centre, litre

color, honor, labor, odor colour, honour, labour, odour

traveler, woolen traveller, woollen

skillful, fulfill skilful, fulfil

check cheque

curb kerb

program programme

story (of a building) storey (of a building)

tire (of a car) tyre (of a car)

realize, analyze, apologize realise, analyse, apologise

defense, offense, license(n.) defence, offence, licence(n.)

burned burnt / burned

dreamed dreamt / dreamed

smelled smelt / smelled

spelled spelt / spelled

spoiled spoilt / spoiled