
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 21:12:33

卫星DNA(satellite DNA)是一类高度重复序列 DNA在介质氯化铯中作密度梯度离心,离心速度可以高达每分钟几万转;此时DNA分子将按其大小分布在离心管内不同密度的氯化铯介质中,小的分子处于上层,大的分子处于下层;从离心管外看,不同层面的DNA形成了不同的条带。根据荧光强度的分析,可以看到在一条主带以外还有一个或多个小的卫星带。这些在卫星带中的DNA即被称为卫星DNA,这种DNA的GC含量一般少于主带中的DNA,浮力密度也低。
卫星DNA按其浮力密度的大小可以分成I、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ四类,其浮力密度分别是1.687,1.693,1.697和1.700 g/cm3。各类卫星DNA都是由各种不同的重复序列家族所组成。卫星DNA通常是串联重复序列。卫星DNA按其重复单元的核苷酸的多少,可以分为两类。一类是小卫星DNA(minisatellite DNA),由几百个核苷酸对的单元重复组成。另一类是微卫星DNA(microsatellite DNA),由2个到20个左右的核苷酸对的单元重复成百上千次所组成。卫星DNAI家族由42bp的单元组成,其中17bp(ACATAAAATAT AAAGT)为可变区,25 bp(ACCCAAAAAGT TATTATATACTGT)为重复单元。卫星DNAⅡ家族是保守性差的ATTCC重复。卫星DNAⅢ是较保守的ATTCC重复,且与10bp的序列(A TCGGGTTG)相间分布。卫星DNA还有另一些分类的名称,如α卫星DNA是灵长类特有的单元为171 bp的高度重复序列,最初是在非洲青猴基因组中发现,现在已确定分布在人染色体的着丝粒区。β卫星DNA家族是单元为68bp的串联重复序列,富含GC。γ卫星DNA是220 bp的串联重复。第Ⅳ类卫星DNA称为隐藏的卫星DNA(cryptil satellite)。这是包含了多种串联重复序列的DNA分子,离心时并不像卫星DNA那样也分开,但它的属性却类似卫星DNA。

Satellite DNA consists of many tandem repeats (identical or related) of a short basic repeating unit.The tandem repetition of a short sequence often creates a fraction with distinctive physical properties that can be used to isolate it. In some cases, the repetitive sequence has a base composition distinct from the genome average, which allows it to form a separate fraction by virtue of its distinct buoyant density. A fraction of this sort is called satellite DNA. The term satellite DNA is essentially synonymous with simple sequence DNA. Consistent with its simple sequence, this DNA is not transcribed or translated.
RNA editing is a process in which information changes at the level of mRNA. It is revealed by situations in which the coding sequence in an RNA differs from the sequence of DNA from which it was transcribed. RNA editing occurs in two different situations, with different causes. In mammalian cells there are cases in which a substitution occurs in an individual base in mRNA, causing a change in the sequence of the protein that is coded. In trypanosome mitochondria, more widespread changes occur in transcripts of several genes, when bases are systematically added or deleted.