爱奇艺校招:为什么TextMatrix(OutIndex, 9)读不出数据

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/04 03:25:14
Private Sub HgridUpdata()

On Error Resume Next
If Rcdst.RecordCount < 1 Then Exit Sub

Do While Rcdst.EOF = False
OutIndex = OutIndex + 1
HGrid1.Rows = OutIndex + 1
With HGrid1
.TextMatrix(OutIndex, 0) = OutIndex
.TextMatrix(OutIndex, 1) = Rcdst.Fields(0)
.TextMatrix(OutIndex, 2) = Rcdst.Fields(2)
.TextMatrix(OutIndex, 3) = Rcdst.Fields(1)
.TextMatrix(OutIndex, 4) = Rcdst.Fields(4)
.TextMatrix(OutIndex, 5) = Rcdst.Fields(3)
.TextMatrix(OutIndex, 6) = Rcdst.Fields(5)
.TextMatrix(OutIndex, 7) = Rcdst.Fields(6)
.TextMatrix(OutIndex, 8) = Rcdst.Fields(7)
.TextMatrix(OutIndex, 9) = Rcdst.Fields(8)
If (IsNull(Rcdst.Fields(5)) = True Or Rcdst.Fields(5) = " ") Then KuCun = KuCun + 1

End With

Label3.Caption = Rcdst.Fields(8)

OutIndex = 0

End Sub

Label3.Caption可以读出Rcdst.Fields(8)的数据,但是TextMatrix(OutIndex, 9)确读不出。