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Backstreet Boys五人合唱组90年代中期成立于美国佛罗里达的奥兰多市,其成员包括Kevin Scott Richardson(1972年10月3日出生于美国肯塔基州的莱克星顿)、Nicholas Gene Carter(1980年1月28日出生于美国纽约州的詹姆斯敦)、Brian 'B-rok' Littrell(原名Brian Thomas Littrell,1975年2月20日出生于美国肯塔基州的莱克星顿)、A.J. McLean(原名Alexander James McLean,1978年1月9日出生于美国佛罗里达州西棕榈滩)和Howie D.(原名Howard Dwaine Dorough,1973年8月22日出生于美国佛罗里达州奥兰多市)。Backstreet Boys演唱组的经理是原New Kids On The Block乐队的经理Jonny Wright和他的妻子Donna,他们音乐职业生涯取得突破性进展是在欧洲而不是在本国市场。他们的成功始于1995年,他们的单曲《We've Got It Goin' On》在德国获得了实质性的成功,并最终进行欧洲大陆其它国家的流行歌曲排行榜中。

  这支乐队第一次在英国获得成功是在1996年6月,一曲《Get Down (You're The One For Me)》在排行榜中排在了第14位。他们早期的一些歌曲再次发行后使他们第一次进入了英国最佳歌曲前10名之列,《We've Got It Goin' On》在当年8月份达到了排行榜中的第3位,《I'll Never Break Your Heart》11月份上升到了第8位(这两首歌曲在前一年分排名列第54位和第42位)。他们以自己名称命名的首张专辑再次获得了成功--尽管当时仅在欧洲发行,接着在1997年推出的《Backstreet's Back》同样获得成功。这张唱片收录了P.M. Dawn的《Set Adrift On Memory Bliss》,但其中收录的主要是针对年轻人的爱情歌曲和民谣。歌曲《Everybody (Backstreet's Back)》成了另一支风糜一时的歌曲,并帮助乐队打开了在美国的市场,这首歌1998年6月在排行榜中达到了第4名的好成绩。接下了获得极大成功的歌曲还有《Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)》和《As Long As You Love Me》。他们在美国发行的首张以乐队名称命名的专辑收录了在欧洲发行的一些专辑中的单曲,这张专辑在美国成为1998年第三大畅销唱片。

  1999年5月他们的一首新歌《I Want It That Way》排上了英国单曲排行榜的首位,这首歌在美国也是一首经久不衰的最受欢迎的排前10名的歌曲。他们的另一张专辑《Millennium》不出人们所料再次获得成功,这张唱片从1999年6月一开始就排在美国唱片排行榜的首位,仅三周的时间就卖出了200万张。这支乐队的声望在接下来的一年里丝毫没有减弱的迹象,一首首单曲多次成为热门歌曲,其中最畅销的《Black & Blue》在2000年11月登上了美国流行歌曲排行榜的首位。

  Backstreet Boys

  They deal in perfect harmonies and sweet songs about love, girls adore 'em, and--in spite of their baggy hip-hop gear and a stray earring here and there--they look nice enough to take home to Mom. This irresistible formula has resulted in one of the most successful new acts of 1997/ 1998: the Backstreet Boys.

  Four (very) young men (ages 18-25) who grew up singing in church choirs, dabbling in acting and dancing, and listening to classic and current hip-hop, the Boys came together via serendipitous circumstances. Cousins Kevin Richardson and Brian Littrel, who had sang together for years in their hometown of Lexington, Kentucky, were all but ready to give up their plans of becoming part of a musical group. A disillusioned Richardson decided to move to Orlando, Florida and take a job as a Disney World tour guide instead. While working, he ran into three friends who worked independently as professional actors and singers, but liked to hang out and harmonize together for fun.

  Richardson, impressed with the trio's talent, realized he might just have the blueprint for something big. He rushed to call his cousin back home in Lexington, urging him to come and meet the singers--A.J. McLean, Howie Dorough and Nick Carter. Littrel ditched class and flew out to Orlando the very next day. The Boys--originally named the Backstreet Market after an Orlando landmark--were thus born.

  The group's self-titled debut, a fun and sugary disc full of urban pop sensibilities and adolescent yearnings, landed with a smash on the charts with its Billboard No. 1 single, "Quit Playin' Games (With My Heart)." The Boys have since appeared on numerous radio and TV shows, including The Tonight Show, and have earned the distinction of being the 10th most -requested search on the Internet search engine Lycos.

backstreet boy 成员:Kevin、Howie D、Brian、A.J、Nick
首支单曲“We've go it goin' on”是由Ace of Base的制作人Denniz Pop操刀制作,这首舞曲展现了男孩们活力四射的青春气息,在欧陆方面成绩不俗,在奥地利、瑞士、荷兰、法国等均有打入十名内的嘉绩。接下来的“I'll never break your heart”是首抒情曲,成功地为他们打开了欧洲的知名度。成绩最好的一首单曲则是“Get Down(You are the one for me)”。