西宁市最新招聘信息:关于widows xp启动时的问题!

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/02 19:03:06
我的电脑是windows xp的操作系统,可能是前段时间优化了启动注册表,使之其启动速度加快,可启动时的声音也随之给关闭了,但现在又想找回,不知道在什么地方改动?烦请各位高手给予指点,在下感激不尽!


In Rainy September
Robert Bly
In rainy September, when leaves grow down to the dark,
I put my forehead down to the damp, seaweed-smelling sand.
The time has come. I have put off choosing for years,
perhaps whole lives. The fern has no choice but to live;
for this crime it receives earth, water, and night.

We close the door. “I have no claim on you.”
Dusk comes. “The love I have had with you is enough.”
We know we could live apart from one another.
The sheldrake floats apart from the flock.
The oaktree puts out leaves alone on the lonely hillside.

Men and women before us have accomplished this.
I would see you, and you me, once a year.
We would be two kernels, and not be planted.
We stay in the room, door closed, lights out.
I weep with you without shame and without honor.