get around什么意思啊:帮我翻译一段话

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/02 18:50:30
Without going any further, I think we can all see that Anita is a very nervous applicant: hesitant and indecisive. It's quite clear that she is petrified by the whole idea of the interview, and her faltering and stammering delivery is even irritating for a Mr. Edwards who has, after all, only a few minutes to find out about Anita and to see if she's the right one for the job. Another important point to raise is appearance, which Anita obviously didn't take much care over. Dress is very important and you should never turn up in jeans and an old sweater if you're after a job in an office or a place of work where you will be meeting people, dealing with clients and that sort of thing. Clean, smart clothes are the order of the day, and try to avoid stage fright, like some nervous actor on the opening night of a new play. Job applicants often look upon the interviewer as some kind of ogre who enjoys making interviewees squirm in their seats, a kind of figure to be looked up to and revered. This negative attitude of mind will not help in any way and will only destroy your self-confidence and ensure failure.

无须多说,我想大家都看到了,Anita是位非常拘谨的应聘者:犹豫而缺乏决断力。很明显面对面试的整套创意她是僵化的。 Edwards先生毕竟只有几分钟的时间考核她是否适合这份工作,可Anita支吾结巴的回答激怒了他。还有重要的一点不得不提:形象,Anita 显然没有在此用心思。衣着很重要,如果你从事办公室或其他任何需要与人打交道,接待客户之类的工作,永远别穿牛仔裤和旧衬衫在人前亮相。整洁简便的服装乃日常工作的要求,要力求避免像一些初次登台的紧张演员那样晕场。求职者常把主考官视为食人魔之类——乐于看到自己在座椅上不停地扭动,以示对他们的尊重。这种消极的心理态度不会给面试带来任何帮助,它只能摧毁你的自信,坚定你对失败的确信无疑。

没有任何进一步去, 我认为我们能全部看Anita 是一个非常紧张的申请人: 犹豫和犹豫不决。 它相当明显她是石化由采访的整体想法, 并且她蹒跚而行的和stammering 交付是甚而恼人的为先生。 有的Edwards, 终究, 唯一几分钟发现关于Anita 和看见如果她是正确一个为工作。 其它重要点对培养是出现, 哪Anita 明显地没有保重。 礼服非常重要并且您应该从未转动在牛仔裤和一件老毛线衣如果您是在一个工作以后在办公室或您将是会议人工作的地方, 应付客户和那种事。 清洗, 聪明的衣裳是时间次序, 并且尝试避免阶段惊吓, 象某些紧张的演员在新戏剧的首场演出。 求职者经常视为采访者当喜欢做被采访人蠕动在他们的位子的一些残暴的人, 一图看和被尊敬。 头脑这消极态度在任何情况下不会帮助, 只将毁坏您的自信和将保证失败
