
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 21:28:56
1我把什么都看的很重;2:超乎想象 3:每个人都甘于现状.4:你不知道,我脑子里全是这些

1. I take everything seriously.

2. Far beyond imagination.

3. Everyone wants to stay where he is.

4. You won't know that my brain is full of all these.

1I care about everything
2beyond imagination
3everyone is satisfied with current situation
4you know what,my mind is filled with all this
(你知道么,用于引起下文,应该是你要表达的那个 意思)

1.I pay great attention to everything.
2. beyond imagination
3. Everybody is satisfied to maintain the status quo.
4. You'll never know, my brain is filled with that.

1. I take everything serious.
2. beyond imagination
3. everyone remains appeased with his own status quo.
4. you know,i 'm dominated all over with that