
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 11:50:48
1.Marco Polo,with his father and uncle,left his and home city of Venice in 1271.
At that time he was 17 years old,When he returned,he was 41!

2.Kublai Khan was very interested in their stories.He asked 21 year-old Marco to travel to different parts of China and tell him about the strange and wonderful things he met.Marco worked for the Emperor for seventeen years and got richer and richer.At last it was time to go home.

3.By the middle of the 13th centur,Europeans knew a little about China.A small number of explorers told strange and interesting stories about the people who lived there.The most famous of these explorers was Marco Polo.He was not the first and he was not the cleverst but he became famous because he stayed in the east for a very long time and then,when he returned home,he wrote a book about his journeys.

4.This time the three Polo's did not cross the Gobi Desert;they went by ship.This journey was worse than the first.Fourteen ships and six hundred men left China with the Polos but only eighteen men reached Persia.From there, they traveled north.They reached Venice at last,in the winter of 1295.With his father and uncle,Marco had become very rich,and they returned to Venice with a great deal of treasure.

5.The Polo's journey was very difficult.They crossed the Gobi Desert.After a journey of more than three and a half years they arrived at the palace of Emperor,Kublai Khan,near Beijing.


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