
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 01:56:29
1.Very Important Information for Recovery Data
Warning: Always verify(检验) the integrity of recovered files to make sure the file contents are still intact(完整无缺的).
关于恢复数据的一些重要信息: 警告:要一直检验需要回复地文件数据的完整性以确定文件内容不丢失。

2.The most important task is to lock down the drive containing the lost data to ensure no new data is written to it. New data may permanently(永久地) overwrite the data you are recovering.

3.The safest procedure(程序, 手续) is to immediately shutdown the trouble computer and remove the trouble hard drive. Then install the hard drive in another Windows 2000 or XP computer as a secondary data drive for recovery. As a data drive, it can be easily protected from change.

4.File recovery procedures for the system drive (usually C:):

5.(This section applies to “My Documents”, “My Desktop”, etc., that are not drives but merely(仅仅) folders, usually on the system drive.)

6.100% safe recovery procedure for the C drive:

7.(requiring high PC competency(能力))

8.Immediately shutdown the trouble computer.

9.Locate a second computer running Windows 2000 or XP. Download and install File Scavenger on the second computer.

10.Remove the trouble hard drive from the trouble computer. Install it in the second computer as a secondary data drive such that it is not written to by Windows or any application. A laptop hard drive can be connected to a desktop computer via an adapter available at most computer stores. Make sure the Windows “Check Disk” utility(公〔实〕用程序 A software program that provides basic services and functions.) will not attempt to repair the drive at boot time.
从出问题上的电脑移除有问题的硬盘。并在安装在另一台电脑上作为数据硬盘这样它不会被Windows以及任何应用程序修改。笔记本电脑的磁盘可以用适配器来连接台式机。确认Windows的”Check Disk”实用程序(提供基本服务和功能的程序)不会在启动的时候修复磁盘。


1.关于恢复数据的一些重要信息: 警告:要一直检验被恢复文件数据的完整性以确定文件内容不丢失。





10.从出问题上的电脑移除有问题的硬盘。并安装在另一台电脑上作为二级数据硬盘这样它不会被Windows或任何应用程序修改。笔记本电脑的硬盘可以用适配器与台式机连接。适配器可以在很多计算机配件商店买到。确认Windows的”Check Disk”实用程序(提供基本服务和功能的程序)不会在启动的时候试图修复磁盘。

1.Very Important Information for Recovery Data
Warning: The Always verify(examination) the integrity of recovered files to make sure the file contents are still intact.(the integrity lacked of)
Concerning some important informations of the instauration data: Warning:Want to has been examine integrity that need to be replied a ground of document data to doesn't throw to lose by the assurance document contents.

2.The most important task is to lock down the drive containing the lost data to ensure no new data is written to it. The New data may permanently(for evermore) overwrite the data you are recovering.
The most important mission is the actuator that targets to include to throw to fail in promise an interest to protect in order to a new data to really write in.The new data will overlay the data that you will recover permanently perhaps.

3.The The safest procedure(procedure, procedure) is to immediately shutdown the trouble computer and remove the trouble hard drive. Then install the hard drive in another Windows 2000 or XP computer as a secondary data drive for recovery. As a data drive, it can be easily protected from change.
The most safe method is close to result in immediately problem of computer and move in addition to producing the hard drive of[with] problem.Then at another one set Windows2000 or XP top install hard drive to is the second piece it to recover a data in order to according to the dish.Be one piece according to the dish, it is protect very easily.

4.File recovery procedures for the system drive (usually C:):
In the document instauration process of the system dish(usually is a C dish):

5.(The This section applies to"the My Documents", "the My Desktop", etc., The that aren't drives but merely(only) folders, the usually on the system drive.)
(This part provide"my text file", "table's top" etc. the document clip these not is actuator only but is the document clip, usually is under the system dish)

6.100% safe recovery procedure for the C drive:
The reply C dish of 100% safety

7.(The requiring high PC competency(ability))
(Need higherly the hardware support)

8.Immediately shutdown the trouble computer.
Close a wrong computer immediately

9.Locate a second computer running Windows 2000 or XP. Download and install File Scavenger on the second computer.
At another a pedestal circulate the computer of the Windows2000 or the XP system to carry up and down and install"the document street cleaner".

10.Remove the trouble hard drive from the trouble computer. Install it in the second computer as a secondary data drive such that it is not written to by Windows or any application. A laptop hard drive can be connected to a desktop computer via an adapter available at most computer stores. The Make sure the Windows"the Check Disk" utility(Mr.[solid]use the procedure A software program that provides basic services and functions.) will not attempt to repair the drive at boot time.
From the wrong and last computer move in addition to have problems of hard drive.Combine Be install at another a the top of the set computer Be the data hard drive thus it knows nothing about a quilt the Windows and any applied procedure modification.The disk of the notebook can use proper go together with a machine to link set type machine.Confirm practical procedure(provide the basic service and the procedure of the function) of Windows"the Check Disk" can't at start of time repair disk.