
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/03 21:32:05
A very small sample of Phil’s many characters:

Bobbie Dooley - Mrs. Dooley, a member of the Western Estates Homeowners Assn., calls the program frequently to espouse her upper-class, soccer-mom viewpoints... which are often little more than her husband Steve's opinions, who can be heard in the background coaching her. Her frequent "mmmhmm"-ing, as though she's listening to you when she really isn't, is reminiscent of a former colleague of Mr. Hendrie's.

Ted Bell - Owner, "Ted's Steak House of Beverly Hills". Multi-millionaire Ted Bell often generously assists the program by donating tickets to special events for some of Phil's less-fortunate listeners, despite looking down his nose at anyone whose net income is less than his. He's a little sensitive about his overbite...

David G. Hall - Vice-President of Syndication for Mr. Hendrie's program, Mr. Hall is rarely a traditional (and frequently uninvited) guest of Phil's, but he does often appear on the program to provide Mr. Hendrie with helpful programming advice.

Jeff Dowder - While Jeff, a professor at Pasadena's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, is often a legitimate guest of Phil's, he frequently checks in to discuss problems with his various girlfriends or to provide information on Southern California surfing spots. To supplement his income and make his high rent, Jeff dances exotically at The New York Circus...

Lloyd Bonafide - Korean War Veteran and devoted grandfather, Lloyd has a short temper and is prone to physical violence. Recently, Lloyd experienced a problem with his bill at a local Mexican restaurant...

Margaret Gray - Syndicated Columnist and mother of three boys, Margaret Gray appears on the program in a variety of arenas, and occasionally assists Mr. Hendrie as a co-host for special events.

Harvey Wireman - When matters of the law require an expert guest, Attorney at Law Harvey Wireman can be relied upon for his controversial legal standpoints.

R.C. Collins - When R.C. first fell ill with a degenerative kidney disease, Phil took this 16-year-old high school sophomore under his wing. R.C. is "goth", lost one of his testicles to cancer, and publishes a Star Wars Newsletter. Occasionally, R.C. and show intern Bud Dickman face off in a heated bowling tournament...

Rudy Canoza - Argentine Businessman Rudy Canoza loves the ladies... as long as they're not fat. He's often heard providing romantic advice to Phil's fans.

Steve Bosell -Steve and his family recently moved to Los Angeles from Tennessee, and now regret having done so. Be careful around Steve - he'll file a lawsuit against you at the drop of a hat.


Bobbie Dooley - Dooley夫人, 西部庄园房主的成员Assn., 频繁地叫节目拥护她上层阶级, 足球妈妈观点... 哪些比她的丈夫史蒂夫的观点经常是少许更多, 谁能听见在背景中教练她。 她频繁"mmmhmm"-ing, 好象她听您当她真正地不是, 是回忆先生的一个前同事。 Hendrie 的。

特德・响铃- 所有者, "特德的贝弗莉山庄牛排议院" 。 大富豪特德・响铃经常慷慨地协助节目由捐赠到特殊事件的时刻的票为一些菲尔的幸运听者, 尽管看在他的鼻子下任何人净收入是决不他的。 他是一少许敏感的关于他的深复牙...

大卫G 。 霍尔- 企业联合组织化的副总统为先生。 Hendrie 的节目, 先生。 霍尔很少是菲尔的一个传统(和频繁地未被邀请的) 客人的, 但他经常出现在节目提供先生。 Hendrie 以有用的编程的忠告。

杰夫・Dowder - 当杰夫, 一位教授在帕萨迪纳的喷气推进实验室, 经常是菲尔的一个合法的客人的, 他频繁地报到与他各种各样的女朋友谈论问题或提供信息在南部的加利福尼亚冲浪的斑点。 补充他的收入和做他的高租, 杰夫异乎寻常地跳舞在纽约马戏...

Lloyd Bonafide - 朝鲜战争退伍军人和虔诚祖父, Lloyd 有一种短的脾气和是有倾向对人身侵犯。 最近, Lloyd 体验了有他的票据的一个问题在一家地方墨西哥餐馆...

Margaret 灰色- 三个男孩的Syndicated 专栏作家和母亲, Margaret 灰色出现在节目在各种各样的竞技场, 并且偶尔地协助先生。 Hendrie 作为共同主办为特殊事件的时刻。

Harvey Wireman - 当法律的问题要求一个专家的客人, 律师在法律Harvey Wireman 可能被依靠为他有争议的法律角度。

R 。C 。 Collins - 当R 。C 。 第一次下跌不适以一种退化肾脏疾病, 菲尔采取了这个16 岁的高中二年级学生在他的翼之下。 R 。C 。 是"goth", 失去他的睾丸的当中一个对癌症, 并且出版星战争时事通讯。 偶尔地, R 。C 。 并且展示实习生芽Dickman 面孔在一个激昂的保龄球比赛...

Rudy Canoza - 阿根廷商人Rudy Canoza 爱夫人... 只要他们不是肥胖的。 他经常听见提供浪漫忠告对菲尔的风扇。

史蒂夫・Bosell - 史蒂夫和他的家庭最近搬到洛杉矶从田纳西, 并且现在后悔做如此。 小心在史蒂夫附近- 他将提出一项诉讼反对您不迟疑地。