
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/05 19:44:47
一、Change—or the ability to __36 oneself to a changing environment—is essential __37 evolution. The farmer whose land is required for __38 or industry must adapt himself: he can __39 to another place and master the problems__40 to it; he can change his occupation,, perhaps __41a period of training; or he can __42 to death. A nation which __43 adapt its trade or defense requirements to__44 world conditions faces an economic or military__45_. Nothing is fixed and permanently stable. __46 must be movement forward, which is progress of a sort, __47_ movement backward, which is decay and deterioration

In a changing world, __48 can be a force for good or for evil. __49 long as it offers a guide, it __50 the ignorant and the uninformed to take a step __51__ and, thereby adapt themselves to __52 circumstances. But if we make an idol __53 tradition, it ceases to be a guide and becomes an obstacle __54 on the path of change and progress. The better course is to __55 the help which tradition can give but to be well aware of its limitations in a changing world.

36. a. change b. fit c. adapt d. suit

37. a. in b. to c. with d. of

38. a. house b. home c. housing d. family

39. a. shift b. move c. take d. motion

40. a. peculiar b. strange

c. familiar d. useful

41. a. before b. in c. during d. after

42. a. live b. get c. starve d. feed

43. a. can b. can't c. don't d. could

44. a. meet b. come into

c. turn into d. meet with

45. a. disaster b. success

c. victory d. wonder

46. a. It b. This c. That d. There

47. a. and b. but c. or d. yet

48. a. it b. change c. movement d. tradition

49. a. Since b. As c. Not d. Before

50. a. helps b. hinders

c. prevents d. checks

51. a. backward b. aside

c. forward d. along

52. a. unchanging b. changed

c. old-fashioned d. usual

53. a. into b. out c. within d. of

54. a. laying b. lying c. laid d. lain

55. a. reject b. refuse c. accept d. deny

36 c;37 a;38 c;39 b;40 b;41 d;42 c;43 b;44 a;
45 a;46 d;47 c;48 c;49 b;50 a;51 c;52 b;53 a;
54 b;55 c
