
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 01:58:10
5. Even silencing the muzzle blast to a mere “fut” is next to impossible. Muzzle blast noise can exceed 150 decibels (measured at the shooter’s location) and is one of the loudest sounds humans are likely to hear. Silencers, suppressors, or cans as they are sometimes called have to be precisely made using very exacting technology to have any hope of quieting such a loud noise. Considering that the threshold of pain is only 130 db, we’re actually glad Hollywood sound tracks don’t taccurately reproduce the noise of muzzle blasts. If they did, the only sound action movie fans would hear as they staggered out of the theater would be the ringing in their ears.
6. SWAT teams sometimes use silencers, not for stealth, but to insure that they will be able to hear if one of the SWAT team membersfires a shot inside the confined space of a room. Discharging an un silenced firearm in a room can cause temporary deafness.

沉默枪口疾风对一仅仅..fut.. 是在不可能旁边。枪 口疾风噪声可能超出150 分贝耳(测量于shooter..s 地点) 并且是 人可能听见的最大声的声音的当中一个。遏声器, 遏抑器, 或罐头 当他们有时叫必须精确地被做使用非常横征暴敛技术有任一希望使 这样喧闹声平静。考虑痛苦门限是只130 db, we..re 实际上高兴的 好莱坞声槽don..t taccurately 再生产枪口疾风噪声。如果他们做 了, 唯一的酣然动作片风扇听见当他们摇摆出于这个剧院是敲响在 他们的耳朵里。
6. 拍打队有时用途遏声器, 不是为stealth, 但保险他们 能够听见如果拍打队membersfires 的当中一个射击里面屋子的被限 制的空间。释放一个联合国沉默的火器在屋子里可能导致临时聋。

5. 甚至使~安静动物之鼻口摧残到一个小湖 " fut" 是下个到不可能的。 动物之鼻口疾风噪音能超过 150个分贝 (在射手的位置测量) 并且是最大声的声音人类之一可能听到。 他们有时被叫做的使沈默的人,抑制器或罐子必须精确地被做使用非常苛求的技术有任何静寂一个如此大声的噪音希望。 就而论痛苦的门槛是只有 130个分贝, 我们是实际上高兴的好莱坞原音带 taccurately 不再生动物之鼻口疾风的噪音吗。 如果他们做, 唯一的健全行动电影狂热者会听到当他们被蹒跚离戏院会是他们的耳朵那个呜响。
6. 有时用力打下去队使用使沈默的人, 不对于隐形, 但是确定如果用劲打击之一联成一组里面的 membersfires 注射房间的被限制空间,他们将会能够听到。 卸货一家伙在一个房间中使~安静武器能引起暂时的聋。