
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 16:20:30
1因特网把生活在地球上不同地方的人连接在一起。 ( to connect)2. 她是个活泼的姑娘,她对什么都好奇。 (to be curious about)3. 你能讲出这两种庄稼的区别吗? (tell the difference between)4. 你为什么不邀请他来我们学校参观呢?(to invite sb to do)5. 每个人明天早上8点务必准时到这里。 (on time)

1 Internet connect people from different parts of the world together.
2 She is an active girl and curious about everything.
3 Can you tell the difference between those two crops.
4 why don't you invit him visit our school.
5 Everybody should arrive here on time at 8:00 tomorrw morning.