
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 05:53:53
Until a sad feeling made me turn away. Why hadn't Haley shown the two of us together doing something, as she had with her father and brother? Why was I by myself, working at the computer? Yes, I did a lot of work on the computer. I had a part-time job that kept me busy at home—in between taking the kids to school, church and their friends' houses. Not to mention keeping the house running, especially when Mark, a truck driver, was working long hours, often driving truck to Seattle. But why was Haley so hard to reach? She was so different from her older brother. Nicholas was straightforward and logical. He was very easy to understand and talk to.

直到我伤心地拒绝了. 为什么没有演员表现了两个人一起做,因为她与父亲和兄弟? 为什么是我本人的,在电脑工作? 是的,我做了大量工作,在电脑. 我有兼职工作,使我在家里忙,带孩子在学校之间、教会和朋友的房子. 更遑论把房子经营,尤其是3月,一辆卡车的司机,长时间工作,经常驾驶一辆西雅图. 但为什么这么难达成演员? 她哥哥大不相同. 简单的逻辑是,尼古拉. 他说,很容易理解.