菜籽油有转基因吗:帮帮我用英语介绍一下海南岛好么.? 谢谢哦

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/03 14:57:40
主要内容:海南岛是我国最美的地方之一.是我国第2大岛屿.位于我国的南部.海口是海南省的省会,是岛上最大的城市.在这准备参观花市.潜游(scuba diving),划船,钓鱼.三亚位于岛屿的南部,一"天涯海角"而闻名.60个单词左右.

Overview of the Province
"Hainan" which literally means "South of the Sea", is a province off the southern coast of China in the South China Sea, which consists of several islands, the largest of which is Hainan Island. It is separated from the mainland China by a narrow strait. It is not only the southernmost province in all of China, but also, with an area of roughly 13,200 square miles, it is the smallest. Its capital city is Haikou, which is located on the northern coast of the island. The land of Hainan province is made up of vast coastline with natural harbors on the outside, and hills, valleys and mountains filled with rivers and streams on the interior. The climate of the province is extremely tropical. At times during the rainy season, temperatures reach the 80's and are accompanied by heavy downpours. Hainan is extremely prone to typhoons, which generally cause severe flooding. The island is covered with red soil and dense tropical rain forest. The lower elevated areas produce rice three times a year.