
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 11:22:33
w2wp.exe 是什么进程???服务器出现的!

Windows 2003 Standard Edition w/ IIS6 (w2wp.exe memory issues)
The Server has 1Gb ram, single 2.66Ghz Xeon w/ HT and plenty of HD's.
My forums which is quite large, 200+ people on it @ once on the forum @ a time. 2mil+ posts

I have been getting memory "leaks" i guess you would say in w3wp.exe is where it seems to be. I am about to upgrade to latest MySQL 4 and PHP 4 tonight, so hopefully this fixes it, but if not, has anyone else had similar issues?
It seems to only happen when alot of people flood the forums after different TV events.
I also get "too many connections" is what users have said they get, even at times when only 80 are active, not sure why this is, so i bumped up max con in MySQL to 1000.
I am also running the latest version of IPB 2.1.4

Any recommendations of memory settings which you other large forums use on an IIS box would be nice. I would prefer linux, as my old box was that, however new clients wanting .net and ASP force me to windows...

Thanks in advance.

w2wp.exe好像是Windows 2003 Standard Edition w/ IIS6的进程吧

<DIV class=entry-content><DIV class=entry-body><DIV>在IIS6下,经常出现w3wp的内存占用不能及时释放,从而导致服务器响应速度很慢。</DIV><DIV>今天研究了一下,可以做以下配置:</DIV><DIV>1、在IIS中对每个网站进行单独的应用程序池配置。即互相之间不影响。</DIV><DIV>2、设置应用程序池的回收时间,默认为1720小时,可以根据情况修改。同时,设置同时运行的w3wp进程数目为1。再设置当内存或者cpu占用超过多少,就自动回收内存</DIV><DIV> </DIV><DIV> </DIV><DIV>一般来说,这样就可以解决了。但仍然会出现个别网站因为程序问题,不能正确释放。</DIV><DIV>那么,怎么样才能找到是哪一个网站的?</DIV><DIV> </DIV><DIV>1、在任务管理器中增加显示pid字段。就可以看到占用内存或者cpu最高的进程pid</DIV><DIV>2、在命令提示符下运行iisapp -a。注意,第一次运行,会提示没有js支持,点击确定。然后再次运行就可以了。这样就可以看到pid对应的应用程序池</DIV><DIV>3、到iis中察看该应用程序池对应的网站,就ok了

w2wp.exe好像是Windows 2003 Standard Edition w/ IIS6的进程吧