
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 08:20:00
1 Merlin has come again,down to where the light has gone and where is only darkness.Darkness and pressure,here where the water is as cold and hard as steel.
2 But as in any negotiation,he does not know at which point he will win.
3 For even he finds it difficult to think down here,under the lake.
4 I admit the sword seems more readily useful
5 I will merely cast my own mind back,while he talks.It is as effective a means as any to avoid the spell he weaves so cleverly behind his words
6 Not that they ever sought me out in times of peace and plenty.

1 默林再来了, 下来到光是的地方并且是唯一黑暗 和压力的地方, 这里水是一样冷的和艰苦象钢的地方。
2 但和在任何交涉, 他不知道到时他将赢取。
3 为均匀他发现它难认为下来这里, 江湖之下。
4 我承认剑似乎欣然有用
5 我仅仅将熔铸我自己的头脑后面, 当他谈话是一样有效手段象任何避免他那么聪明地编织在他的词之后的咒语
6 不是他们曾经寻找了我在和平和丰衣足食的时候。

我将把我的想法抛于脑后,当他在讲话的时候。 那个是非常有效的办法在他的话语背后去避免他聪明地自编的拼写