
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 16:52:40
Would you like to come to having supper ——————
My friend tim usually play table tennis with his classroom _________
A long timesa ago, people think the sun went around the earth. _________
But now,we know the earth go round the sun. __________
Jim,do you want to buy a mp4 __________
Have you got much friends in America __________
Is there lots of rainy this summer in your city _________
You must play with fire .it’s dangerous _________
Two years later, the Olympic games will be hold in china -__________
Some people don’t likes number 13. ___________
They think 13 is a unlucky number. _________
He doesn’t like orange .he doesn’t like strawberries ,either
Once upona time ,there was a mouse living in the towm.
I heard you liked small animal very much
I looked after my younger sister because my mother went to work
We mustn’t be late for school ,must we
We students must study hard for great country

Would you like to come to having supper :having-have
My friend tim usually play table tennis with his classroom :classroom-classmate
A long timesa ago, people think the sun went around the earth:went-goes
But now,we know the earth go round the sun:go-goes
Have you got much friends in America :much-many
Is there lots of rainy this summer in your city :rain-rianing
You must play with fire .it’s dangerous :must-must't
Two years later, the Olympic games will be hold in china :hold-held
Some people don’t likes number 13:likes-like

