
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 21:45:48
[EvoSSJ4] >>> [Goku ssj4 trans WIP]

Thats a little preview of the goku ssj4 trans we are including.still hard WIP!!!!
and a few pieces of our evo_lookout map we are release within the plugin.
since a lot guys though we are that SBT.we wanna show u guys now that u are all wrong.
we are the EvoSSJ4 plugin!!!
we hope that u enjoy this little clip.

a big promo video is also in work.there we gonna show u all we got and much more!

the [EvoSSJ4] team

visit us at:

powered by http://www.esf_world.com



[ EvoSSJ4 ] [ Goku ssj4 trans WIP ] Thats 一点goku ssj4 的预览trans 我们是including.still 坚硬WIP!!!! 并且我们的evo_lookout 地图几个片断我们是发行在插入式之内。从很多人虽然我们是SBT.we 想要显示u 人即然u 是全部错误。我们是EvoSSJ4 插入式!!! 我们希望, u 享用这个小的夹子。 大电视节目预告录影并且是在work.there 我们去显示u 全部我们得到和更多! [ EvoSSJ4 ] 队 拜访我们在: www.evossj4.com ======= 由http://www.esf_world.com 供给动力 =======