关于圆明园毁灭资料:marry这个词咋用?可以讲marry to sb.吗

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 01:05:09

marry to sb. 既可以指娶也可以指嫁, 这种说法对男女都是适用的.

marry sb
get married with

marry是一个及物动词,后面必须接宾语,我们因为中文的语言习惯而下意识的给他加上一个介词,其实是不行的。不管男女 都是 A marry B 或者是 get married with

Get married with refers to the action, e.g. I got married with Pauline 20 years ago.

Married to refer to the status, e.g. I am married to Pauline.

Both are right, but they have different meanings.

The rabbi married the couple.