
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 10:51:10
一年一度,春风秋雨, 我们又迎来了您的节日――教师节。此刻,亲爱的老师们,你们在想些什么? 也许,你们还在思考, 明天的那堂课, 怎样才能讲的透彻明白; 也许,你们还在盘算,班里的计划, 怎样才能订得全面周详。也许,你们什么都没有想,教书育人是你们的天职,埋头苦干早已是便饭家常。有人曾说,每个教师都是一位雕塑家,他的一举一动都在雕塑着自己,也在雕塑着学生。有人说,老师是梯,以伟岸的身躯托着我们稚嫩的双脚一步步攀高、攀高;有人说,老师是烛,以不灭的信念为我们照亮前进的道路,映着我们的脸庞不断的向前探索、探索。当您走上那庄严的讲台,思路敏捷地向我们传授知识时,我们的内心充满了敬服;当您带着成熟的自信来到我们身边,帮助关怀我们时,我们内心充满了信服。我们常常会为了您一句赞美的话而激动不已,于是坚定决心,股足勇气,义无返顾地向前。 在我们求学生涯中的每一个坎坷,每一次成功,无一不伴着您的细心的教导和悉心的帮助.回想起您说过的每一句话,无一不让我们感到熟稔而亲切,而我们的心,也在您坚定的眼睛中找到了知识和理想的天空!
在您的节日里我们虽然不能献上一份厚礼,但亲爱的老师,就请接受我们这一篇诚挚的诗章。我们做为您的学生,深深地感受到,这里是一座铸造人才的大课堂。只因为,这里有一个团结能干的教师集体,你们出色的成绩,早已受到社会的颂扬。再过几年,十几年,当我们已经建功立业,我们一定不会忘记,是谁为我们付出辛勤的汗水,引导我们追求理想之光。到那个时候,我们一定回到这里,向亲爱的老师们,献上更新更美的诗章 !

Once a year, the spring breeze autumnal rains, we face to come to your festival ―― again Teacher's Day.At the moment
teachers, are you thinking what? Perhaps, you are still in the thinking, that lesson of tomorrow, how speak of very clear understand; Perhaps, you still calculate, the plan in the class, how order detailed and complete completely.Perhaps, your have nothing at all think, teaching to teach a person is your man's natural duty, head in work is a potluck domestic life already.Someone once says each teachers are as to carve a house, his each and every moves all are carving an oneself, also being carving a student.Someone say that the teacher is a steps, holding us a childish double feet by the body of the great shore to climb,climb step by step;Someone say that the teacher is a candle, taking the conviction of the immortalization as us to illuminate headway of road, reflect our face continuously of investigate and investigate forward.When you walk up that solemn platform, way of thinking with alacrity to our induction knowledge, our heart was filled with to admire and respect;When you take mature self-confidence to arrive at us, when the help is concerned with us, our heart was filled with letter to take.We usually would for the sake of you a laudatory words but concussion aren't already, hence determine decision, foot courage, the righteousness didn't return to attend to ground forward. In we attend school the career of each frustrated, every successful, none not the companion wear the guidance of your elaboration with help with concentrated effort.Remember each words that rise your said, the none doesn't make us feel well-experienced in and benignity, and our heart, also found out the knowledge and ideal sky in your firm eyes!
In your festival although we can't dedicate a previous and thick gift, dear teacher, invite a poem chapter of accept our this sincerity.We are used as your student, feel profoundly, is a big classroom that casts a talented person here.Only because is, have an incorporation able teacher here collective, your outstanding result is already sing the praises by society.Lead again for several years, more than ten years, be us has already set up 功 to establish a career, we will not certainly forget, is who pay an industrious sweat for us, guide us to pursue ideal of light.To that time, we certainly return to here, dedicating to dear teachers up renew a more beautiful poem chapter!
Fresh flowers,applause,wish the wish that the phrase expressed us:Teacher your pain!Wish your festival happiness!
