
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 02:53:14
接着,小红帽遇见一只因学飞翔而受伤的小鸟.于是她将果酱涂在小鸟的伤处并帮助小鸟飞翔.小鸟为答谢小红帽,教她如何吹口哨还告诉她需要帮助时就吹口哨.小红帽告别了小鸟走了.而后,她又遇到了盖房子的海狸,热心的帮助它盖房子.AFTER THAT,她看见了大灰狼假扮的樵夫和老人,请他吃蛋糕并谈论了"奶奶",于是大灰狼跑到奶奶家办成奶奶准备把小红帽吃了.
小红帽到达奶奶家发现了奶奶的异常,后来知道了奶奶其实是大灰狼,连忙跑开.这时那些小动物们都来帮忙,终于把大灰狼赶走了.小红帽感谢了大家,并与奶奶吃了点心.然后回家了 .


one day, a small Red farewell to her mother brought dim sum house because her illness. Roads, he first encountered a fawn in tears. Riding there was jumping from the small confines of her mother's birthday forgotten, no gifts. So in tears. Little comfort and help jumping jumping small bouquets as a gift. Red Dead am grateful small. Then, because of a very small Red injured birds fly. Then she will jam Tu in the body and help small birds fly. To thank the small birds Hood, the wolf also told her how she needs help to someone. Riding away from the small islands. Later, she also encountered a house built beaver, enthusiastic help it build a house. after corpse, and she saw a big posing as the Fellowship and the elderly, and invite him to eat cakes to talk about "her", so she went to the big house is ready to run her father eating small. Small home she found her father in the unusual, and later learned that she is big, hurriedly away. Then they have to help those small animals, and finally the big off. Riding a small thank you, and with your eating dim sum. Then go home

One day, a small Red farewell to her mother brought dim sum house because her illness. Roads, he first encountered a fawn in tears. Riding there was jumping from the small confines of her mother's birthday forgotten, no gifts. So in tears. Little comfort and help jumping jumping small bouquets as a gift. Red Dead am grateful small. Then, because of a very small Red injured birds fly. Then she will jam Tu in the body and help small birds fly. To thank the small birds Hood, the wolf also told her how she needs help to someone. Riding away from the small islands. Later, she also encountered a house built beaver, enthusiastic help it build a house. after corpse, and she saw a big posing as the Fellowship and the elderly, and invite him to eat cakes to talk about "her", so she went to the big house is ready to run her father eating small. Small home she found her father in the unusual, and later learned that she is big, hurriedly away. Then they have to help those small animals, and finally the big off. Riding a small thank you, and with your eating dim sum. And then go home.