
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/02 17:59:07
我们英语老师要求我们上课之前安排一个三分钟的发言 内容是自己选择的自己喜欢的 明天就要讲了 拜托各位谁能帮忙想一想应该讲什么啊
最好是写好的 一篇作文一样的最好了
拜托!!! 救命用的啊 我是初中生````

可以说说"Chinese Culture 中国的文化,:)~~
The origin of Chinese writing can be traced back to ancient China although we are not certain of the date of its invention. According to reliable reference books, Chinese writing has at least a history of four thousand years. It is generally believed that people made records by tying a knot in a rope. This way of recording was replaced by the invention of letters by Cheong Tchi. Yet, we cannot assume that there were no written words before Cheong Tchi. Cheong only combined the invented words of his predecessors with slight changes. At the same time, there was still another inventor called Chu Shung. However, the fact that Chinese written words originated in painting is beyond doubt. That is why modern people consider writing and painting to have the same origin. The invention of words represents the insufficiency of spoken language. As an instrument, they describe and keep various events and have meanings. Words precede writing and are the mother of writing. With the passage of time, the evolution of human culture, and the needs of daily life, the writing style proceeded from easy to complex.

Shell and Bone Inscriptions appeared in the Shang Dynasty, and Big Seal Script; in the Chou Dynasty. Chun, an official in the Chou Dynasty, created the Big Seal, This system was completed by Chung Yiou in the Wei Dynasty. Up to now, Hsing Writing, also called Running Characters, has had little variation. Now, let us talk about the evolution of Chinese Writing.

明天还上课?你可够苦的,这个,给你点提示吧,还是自己写比较好,我替你写了估计老师也能看出来不是你写的。谈自己的爱好,喜欢的音乐阿,歌手,动漫,动物什么的,“I love singing/music/cartoon/cat/dog very much.JOY is my favourites,I think his songs are interesting.”如果家里有宠物可以写自己的宠物,“There is a special member in my family,it's a cool/black/lovely cat/dog”说自己的理想,“I want to be a doctor/teacher/journalist/actor/actress”自己的家庭组成,比如三口之家就可以说“I have a simple family,father,mother and I”等等
