opengl蓝宝书 pdf:谁帮我翻译一下这段文字?

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/02 19:20:38
Hang gliding is a dangerous sport.Jenny,what do you enjoy about sport,and have you ever had an accident?

No,I've never been seriouslu injured.MaybeI've just been lucky.Once,my glider turned upside down,and Ilost control.Ialmost crashed,but Iparachuted away just in time.And I've always felt hang gliding is quite safe-though landing is sometimes difficult.But it's fantastic to be able to fly licke a bird!

Tome,you've been mountain climbing for years now .What are some of the dangers that you've experienced?

High altitudes are hard on the human body.I've experienced lack of oxygen ,tiredness,and dehydration.I've lived through storms,avalanches,and strong winds,But that's what Ilike about mountain climbing-overcoming danger.

What exactly are the bends,Ray?And have you ever experienced them while scuba diving?

You get the bends when you've been deep under water.If you come up out of the water too quickly,bubbles form in your bllod.The bends can be serious,and they can even cause death.But the bends are rare .Scuba diving isn't really dangerous.And it lets you explore another world.
