二手雪佛兰乐风能买吗:How to Be a Good Language Learner“ in about 150 words.

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 21:18:56
麻烦各位帮帮忙,急需! 谢了.在150字左右的.

How to Be a Good Language Learner参考:

The good language learner thinks about how she is learning. She tries to find out what works for her and what doesn't. If she doesn't understand the purpose of a particular exercise, she asks the teacher.
The good language learner is willing to experiment and take risks. For example, she will try out different ways of learning vocabulary until she finds the way that suits her best. She is also not afraid of making mistakes, because she knows that these will help her.

The good language learner is realistic. She knows that it will take time and effort to become proficient in English, and that there will periods where she does not seem to be making much progress.
The good language learner is independent. She does not expect to learn English just by sitting in the classroom, and does not rely on the teacher to totally direct her learning.
The good language learner is organised and active. She uses her time to learn English sensibly, and is always looking for opportunities to develop her language both inside and outside of the classroom.

The good language learner has a balanced concern for communication and accuracy. Some students are experts at communicating their thoughts but do not care that they make many mistakes in doing so. The good language learner, on the other hand, is concerned with both communicating and doing so as accurately as possible.

