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来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 08:57:50
Many people believe that they will be happy once they arrive at some specific goal they set for themselves. However, more often than not, once you arrive “there”, you will still feel dissatisfied, and move your “there” vision to yet another point in the future. By always chasing after another “there”, you are never really appreciating what you already have right “here”.
Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax. I’m Faith. In today’s program, you may be interested in sharing a life philosophy with me: “there” is no better than “here”.
To be grateful means you are thankful for and appreciative of what you have and where you are on your path right now. Gratitude fills your heart with the joyful feeling and allows you to fully appreciate everything that arises on your path. As you strive to keep your focus on the present moment, you can experience the full wonder of “here”.
Scarcity consciousness arises as a result of the “hole-in-the-soul syndrome”. This is when we attempt to fill the gaps in our inner lives with things from the outside world. But like puzzle pieces, you can’t fit something in where it does not naturally belong. No amount of external objects, affection, love, or attention can ever fill an inner void. We already have enough, so we should revel in our own interior abundance.
This is Faith from Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax. No matter who you are, what you posses, whatever we are waiting for: peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance--it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart.






你现在收听的是Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax。(Faith费思轻松电台)现在不管你是谁, 你是什么职业, 我们期待什么: 宁静的心, 自得, 雍容, 简单的充实着我们的内心--它会降临于我们, 让我们开启宽容心来迎接这种感受。