
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 10:27:17
Despite the pharmacokinetic gender effect observed in healthy young subjects, no noticeable differences in the safety profile were observed in the subgroup analyses of adverse events by gender as well as in the assessment of residual effects by gender in adult patients. Additionally, there was no influence on efficacy results. In elderly patients, there was no influence of age or gender on efficacy and safety results.

The adverse event profile of zolpidem MR was similar to that of the current zolpidem marketed product, including headache, somnolence, dizziness, and nausea as the most frequently observed TEAEs. No unexpected adverse events were recorded. In consequence, no specific safety monitoring procedure has to be applied for zolpidem MR.

subgroup analyses 亚组分析
adverse events不良反应
safety profile:安全药历
residual effects残余效应(影响),注意不是副作用(side effect)
“唑吡坦 MR”的不良反应包括头痛、嗜睡、眩晕和恶心等最常观察到的药历和当今市售的唑吡坦产品相似。没有意外的不良反应记录。所以,没有必要对“唑吡坦 MR”使用特殊的安全性检测步骤。

尽管pharmacokinetic性别影响青少年健康观察问题,没有明显的差异,安全状况观察小组分析了不良事件性别以及评估的后遗症患者男女成人. 此外,没有任何结果影响疗效. 在老年病人,没有年龄、性别的影响疗效和安全的效果. 如果不良形象类:类似于目前墨西哥市售产品,包括头痛、somnolence、头晕、恶心teaes是最常见的. 任何突发事件的不良记录. 因此,没有明确的安全监管程序必须经过申请旦主席.

尽管pharmacokinetic性别影响青少年健康观察问题,没有明显的差异,安全状况观察小组分析了不良事件性别以及评估的后遗症患者男女成人. 此外,没有任何结果影响疗效. 在老年病人,没有年龄、性别的影响疗效和安全的效果. 如果不良形象类:类似于目前市售产品,包括头痛、somnolence、头晕、恶心teaes是最常见的. 任何突发事件的不良记录. 因此,没有明确的安全监管程序必须经过申请主席.

尽管约物动力学的性别作用被观察在健康年轻主题, 在安全外形上的引人注目的区别未被观察在对有害事件的小群分析由性别并且在对残余的作用的评估由性别在成人患者。另外, 没有对效力结果的影响。在年长患者, 没有年龄或性别的影响对效力和安全结果。 zolpidem 先生有害事件档案与那是相似当前的zolpidem 被销售的产品, 包括头疼、思睡、头晕, 和恶心作为最频繁地被观察的TEAEs 。意想不到的有害事件未被记录。在后果, 具体安全监视做法没有申请zolpidem 先生。

Despite the pharmacokinetic gender effect observed in healthy young subjects, no noticeable differences in the safety profile were observed in the subgroup analyses of adverse events by gender as well as in the assessment of residual effects by gender in adult patients. Additionally, there was no influence on efficacy results. In elderly patients, there was no influence of age or gender on efficacy and safety results.

The adverse event profile of zolpidem MR was similar to that of the current zolpidem marketed product, including headache, somnolence, dizziness, and nausea as the most frequently observed TEAEs. No unexpected adverse events were recorded. In consequence, no specific safety monitoring procedure has to be applied for zolpidem MR.