
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 19:28:41
1.We have demonstrated the strength of our commitment to it today by the signatures that you,Mr Premier,and I have set upon it

2.When the march was planned by a coalition of civil-rights,union and church leaders,nothing quite like like it had ever been seen

3.Einstein once turned down an offer of $1000 a minute to speak on the radio

4.Computer languages may range from detailed low level close to that immediately understood by the particular computer,to the sophisticated high level which can be rendered automatcaically acceptable to a wide range of computers

5.The great difficulty of introducing radically new computer architecture which requires customers to rewrite most of their software excluded the possibility for these techniques to find their way to the commercial marketplace

6.We faced the question in 1978,as to some extent we still do today.Can two nations as differet as ours
---yours one of the oldest civilizations on earth,mine one of the youngest; yours a sociahst state and mine committed to capitalism,yours a developing country and mine a developed one --can two nations surmount and indeed draw upon these differenees to build an unprecedented and distinctive relationship
in world affairs?

7.According to recent calculations,maintaining such a rhythm of growth would result in 60 million billion people on the earth in 900 years,which represents 120 inhabitants per square meter

8.Nothing is less certain.Promoters of "green revolution"themselves believe that it can offer only a respite of ten or twenty yuears

9.This incident provoked an awakening of conscience and resulted in decisions which have proven effecive



