药都银行易贷卡怎么办?:翻译 谢谢!!!

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 15:18:48
(四)At LARM, teaching is carried out with student practices for the courses on mechanics of robots, regulation of mechan-ical systems, and with the development of master’s and Ph.D. theses. Examples of results are shown in Figure 9.
Student practices are organized by using the available robots PUMA 562 and Scorbot ER Vplus to teach the use of robots and program robots for robotic manipulations. A practice is usually scheduled for 15–24 students to obtain a robotic manipulation for a prescribed task, which can be a simulation of an industrial application or a manipulation of interest to the students [for example, the cases shown in Figure 9(a) and (b), respectively]. Usually, the students are grouped in teams of four to six students. The student team is organized to cover all of the aspects concerned with the mechanical design of the robot and its gripper by develop-ing further designs and adjustments; with the analysis and programming of the manipulation; and with the experi-mental testing of a final acceptable solution. Thus, Figure 9(a) shows the obtained workcell in a student practice
sim-ulating the industrial process for finishing the plate produc-tion with a deposition of a suitable layer of crystalline. Figure 9(b) shows the Scorbot writing on a sheet that the robot has properly manipulated from a pile to a suitable plane for the writing.
Further activity is carried out with the master’s theses for studies of feasibility, designs, experimental tests, and valida-tions regarding new solutions, optimizations, and new appli-cations of robots. For example, Figure 9(c) shows a valida-tion test of Cassino Tracking System (CATRASYS) by using the Scorbot robot of Figure 2(c). CATRASYS is a new measuring system that has been conceived at LARM based on a wire parallel manipulator for the mechanical design and on the triangularization technique for the operation. Figure 9(d) is a new robot architecture of a serial-parallel-serial manipulator by using the PUMA industrial robot, CaPa-Man2, and a telescopic arm. It was conceived at LARM, and several master’s theses have been developed and are still ongoing in order to better design and operate the system as well as to characterize its performances.

在有利)Larm115A、学生进行教学实践的机器人课程力学、管理Mechan-iCal系统开发与硕士、博士 论文. 实例结果见图9. 做法是由学生使用,并提供562架机器人SCORBOTVPLUS急诊及教学使用机器人进行遥控操纵机器人计划. 这种做法通常定为15-24学生获得了操纵机器人进行指定的任务,可以模拟工业应用或操纵感兴趣的学生,例如,案件见图9(a)、(B)分别为:. 通常,学生队伍分为四到六人. 学生组成团队,包括所有有关机械方面的设计开发的机器人及gripper-荷兰国际设计和进一步调整; 在分析和规划的操纵; 与experi-心理测试最终接受的解决办法. 因此,图9(a)显示了学生的实践取得workcell SIM卡的程序完成工业ulating板块produc定一个合适的沉积层的结晶. 图9(B)写在一张scorbot显示,有正确操纵机器人从一堆飞机到合适的文字. 活动进一步开展与硕士论文的可行性研究、设计、试验测试、Valida代表对新办法,优化、新appli-我1994年5月30日的机器人. 例如,图9(C)显示valida任Cuffaro检验追踪系统(CATRASYS)用机器人的数字scorbot(丙)2. Catrasys是一个新的测量系统,已在构思Larm基于平行线的机械设计和操作的技术triangularization运作. 图9(D)是一种新的建筑机器人系列-平行式系列工业用机械手机器人、CAPA的Man2,手臂伸缩. 有人认为在Larm,一些硕士论文已经制定,目前仍在进行中,以更好的制度设计和操作以及其性能特点.