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来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 08:47:37
Few concepts in the social sciences are invoked with the same ease or employed so readily to explain so
many social and institutional outcomes as power. The concept of power has been used to explain, for
example, how organizational resources are allocated (Pfeffer, 1992), how decisions are made (Neustadt,
1990), the control of attention (Fiske, 1993), behavioral disinhibition (Galinsky, Gruenfeld & Magee,
2003; Keltner, Gruenfeld & Anderson, 2003), and the resolution of conflict (Boulding, 1966, 1989), to
name just a few important processes and outcomes. The concept of power is routinely used, moreover,
not only to explain why such outcomes do happen, but also why they don’t. Russell’s (1938) observation
that power is a “fundamental concept” in the social sciences remains as true today as it was when he first
uttered it.
As March (1994) noted, most conceptions of power reflect “the intuitive notion of struggle, with outcomes
determined by the relative strength of contending forces” (140). Wrong’s (1979) definition is representative
of this tradition, characterizing power as the “capacity of some persons to produce intended
and foreseen effects on others” (2). Along similar lines, Blau (1964) proposed that actors possess power
when they can “induce others to accede to wishes by rewarding them for doing so” (115). As these definitions
make clear, social scientists have long presumed an intimate relationship between power and influence
(French & Raven, 1959; McClelland, 1975): the effective use of social influence helps individuals
obtain power. Power, in turn, facilitates social influence because powerful social actors possess more
resources that can be brought to bear on solving their problems (Pfeffer, 1992).
Drawing on these distinctions, effective social influence can be defined as the process of successfully
inducing change in other people’s attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, feelings, values, and behaviors by means
of one’s own behavioral tactics. Thus defined, the use of effective influence tactics has been the subject
of considerable prior theory and research (see, e.g., Cialdini, 1988; Kramer & Neale, 1998; Levine, 2003;
Pratkanis & Aronson, 1992, 2001; Zimbardo, Ebbesen & Maslach, 1977 for more comprehensive treatments
of the social psychological literature on effective influence).
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如力量的许多社会的和制度的结果。 力量的观念有用来解释, 为
例子, 资源是多麽的组织分派 (Pfeffer,1992), 决定被下的方式 (Neustadt,
1990), 注意 (Fiske,1993) 的控制, 动作的 disinhibition(Galinsky, Gruenfeld&Magee,
2003;Keltner, Gruenfeld&Anderson,2003), 和冲突 (Boulding,1966,1989) 的决议, 到
只是命名一些重要的程序和结果。 力量的观念通常被用,而且,
不不但解释如此的结果为什麽确实发生 , 而且他们为什麽是。 Russell's(1938) 观察
当它是,力量在社会科学残余物同样地真实的今天内是 "基本原理观念" 何时他第一
如三月 (1994) 注意, 力量的最大多数的怀孕反映 "竞争的直觉观念, 由于结果
藉着奋斗力量的比较力量决定".(140) 错误 (1979) 定义是代表性的
传统, 表示力量的特色当做那 " 一些人的能力到生产品想要
而且预见其他人上的效果".(2) 向前相似的线, Blau(1964) 计画演员持有力量
当他们能 " 引诱其他人同意 希望被有益的他们为这麽做".(115) 如这些定义
使清楚的, 社会的科学家渴望假定在力量和影响力之间的亲密关系
(法国人 &大乌鸦,1959;McClelland,1975): 社会的影响力的有效使用帮助个人
获得力量。 因为有力的社会演员持有更多 , 所以电源,依次 ,帮助社会的影响力
利用 这些区别, 有效的社会影响力能被定义当做那程序成功的
一个自己的动作手法。 如此定义, 有效的影响力手法的使用有是主题
相当的更重要的理论和研究 (举例来说看见 Cialdini,1988;Kramer&Neale,1998;Levine,2003;
Pratkanis&Aronson,1992,2001;Zimbardo, Ebbesen&Maslach,1977 为比较包罗万象的治疗