
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/17 17:45:15
Yet the invitation to join Peter in Romania was totally unexpected. My son and I had grown apart emotionally by geographic distance and the demands of his busy career and family life. He was a husband and father of three. My wife Dalia and I saw Peter perhaps three times a year, since we live in different states. We briefly talked on the phone now and then. I knew little about his life, nor did he know much about mine. I had feelings of loss, an awareness of my own mortality, and the sense that time was running out for my firstborn and me. But I could never express any of it to Peter. He is not one for sentimentality.


我没想到会收到一个让我去罗马尼亚见Peter 的请柬。 我儿子和因为地理距离,家事,事业,感情渐渐黯淡了。 他是一个拥有3个孩子的父亲。 因为在不同的省里居住,我和我妻子Dalia一年里能看见Peter 三次左右。 我们是不是的在电话上闲聊急剧。 我对他的生活了解的并不多,他对我的也不太了解。 我有一种失去的感觉,注意到了自己的生死,觉得我和我的第一个孩子的时间渐渐的减少。 但是我永远不能把这些想法告诉Peter. 他并不是那么多愁善感。