
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/13 18:55:40
S sent an offer to B: “ We’ll sell apples up to 1000 tons at $400 a ton for delivery during January”. B wrote S: “ Would $350 be agreeable on 500 tons?” Two days later B changed his mind and wrote: “ Send 500 tons at your price.” Both messages arrived in regular course of mail. Does B have enforceable rights against S?
No, B doesn’t. Because S’s reply is a counter-offer. The counter-offer is tantamount to rejection and it destroys the offer.

B signed and delivered on July 15, 1999, the following “Receipt of $100 is herby acknowledged and in consideration the undersigned agreed to convey the farm to C upon payment of $15000 on or be fore Sept. 15(signed) B”. What are C’s rights against B?

The defendant offered by letter dated 8 June 1864, to take shares in the company sending part-payment of 1 shilling (5p) a share. No reply was made by the company, but on 23 November 1864, they allotted shares to the defendant. The defendant refused to take up the shares. Held---his refusal was justified because his offer had lapsed by reason of the company’s delay in notifying their acceptance. He also recovered his part-payment.

