
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 19:45:22
请翻译下面一段话,谢谢谢谢了。翻译好了另有加分,不要直接用什么快译软件的。Background research
In 1988, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology reported that the ignition-delaying capability of CAF was twice that of water and that its initial retention efficiency was approximately 20 times that of water.2 Retention efficiency is the ratio of the foam remaining on a sprayed sample compared to water sprayed on an identical sample. Later, they found that the mass-retention effective ness of CAF was 1.5 to 2 times greater than a spray solution with the same agent.3 They also reported encouraging results in using CAF hose lines to suppress rubber tire fires, but these weren’t conclusive.
By 1995, researchers at the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada had developed a fixed-pipe CAF system and demonstrated that such a system would provide effective fire suppression for Class A and B fires when compared to water mist systems and automatic sprinkler systems.4,5 The researchers made a number of important advances in CAF fixed-piping system technology, the most important of which was to develop a fixed-pipe system that would actually deliver compressed-air foam. Until then, no one had been able to generate CAF consistently in a fixed-pipe system. Generally, the result was a pulsating, soapy water stream, rather than a solution with the consistency of shaving cream.

In 1988, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology reported that the ignition-delaying capability of CAF was twice that of water and that its initial retention efficiency was approximately 20 times that of water.2 Retention efficiency is the ratio of the foam remaining on a sprayed sample compared to water sprayed on an identical sample. Later, they found that the mass-retention effective ness of CAF was 1.5 to 2 times greater than a spray solution with the same agent.3 They also reported encouraging results in using CAF hose lines to suppress rubber tire fires, but these weren’t conclusive.
By 1995, researchers at the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada had developed a fixed-pipe CAF system and demonstrated that such a system would provide effective fire suppression for Class A and B fires when compared to water mist systems and automatic sprinkler systems.4,5 The researchers made a number of important advances in CAF fixed-piping system technology, the most important of which was to develop a fixed-pipe system that would actually deliver compressed-air foam. Until then, no one had been able to generate CAF consistently in a fixed-pipe system. Generally, the result was a pulsating, soapy water stream, rather than a solution with the consistency of shaving cream.

在 1988 年,研究员在标准的国立学会和技术报告 CAF 的延迟点火能力两次是水而且它的开始保持效率水大约是 20 次那。2 保持效率是在一个同一的样品上浇水喷雾的与留在一个被喷雾的样品上的泡沫的比相较的。 稍后,他们发现块-保持 CAF 的有效突端和相同的代理人比水沫解决更棒 1.5 到 2 倍。3 他们也报告鼓励造成使用 CAF 水管线镇压橡皮轮带火灾, 但是这些不是决定性。
1995 之前, 在国立研究的研究员加拿大的会议 (NRC) 已经发展一个固定-管 CAF 系统而且示范,如此的一个系统会提供有效的火抑压给班级一和 B 火灾当与加水给雾系统相较和自动机械洒水车 systems.4,5 研究员在 CAF 作了一些重要的进步固定-吹笛系统技术, 哪一个将发展一个固定-管系统的最重要的会实际上递送被压缩的-空气起泡沫。 直到然后,没有人已经能够在一个固定-管系统一致地产生 CAF 。 通常,结果是一搏动 , 肥皂的水水流 , 并非和刮胡霜的一致性的解决。