
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 06:21:26
choosing which patches to exploit, and item
choice or choosing among items of food within
a single patch. Emlen (1966) developed a stochastic
solution to the item choice problem.
According to MacArthur, the optimal exploitation
of items within a patch would be for
the animal ‘‘to pursue an item if and only if,
during the time the pursuit would take, it
could not expect both to locate and to catch
a better item’’ (MacArthur, 1972, p. 62). This
solution was stated formally in the contingency
model by a number of authors in terms of
net energy gain per time spent in a bout of
foraging (for reviews see Schoener, 1971,
1987) and was expanded formally to include
patch choice (Schoener, 1974).

和被报告了为自由地哺养的鼠(Richter 1927), 在我们的范例每日摄食被划分成变化在大小和intermeal 间隔时间的多饭食, 并且搜寻是主要夜的, 与大约70% 进水闸发生在黑暗。除哺养的经济之外, 当前的实验与许多不同其他人在这些另外的方面: 各次查寻被动物创始了并且查寻费用是恒定的, 补丁包含了同样食物和相等地经常(一些情况) 或不公平地遇到或经常(其它情况), 并且动物控制了频率搜寻和饭食的大小。唯一通入的费用对二个补丁的变化了。动物的决定是是否支付价格获得它进一步遇到了或对查寻对补丁的通入。这些情况满足假定选择修补剥削, 并且项目选择或选择在食品种类之中在一个唯一补丁之内。Emlen (1966) 开发了一种随机解答对项目选择问题。根据MacArthur, 项目的优选的开发在补丁之内会是为动物"追求项目如果和只如果, 在时间期间追求会采取, 它不能准备找出和捉住一个更好的项目" (MacArthur 1972 年, p. 62) 。这种解答正式陈述了在意外情况模型由一定数量的作者根据净能量获取每时间花费在回合搜寻(为回顾参见Schoener, 1971 年, 1987) 并且正式被扩展包括补丁选择(Schoener 1974) 。