成本效益分析案例:翻译几句话 翻译成英文

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 09:14:32
上周六下午,我和几个同学一起踢球。在我们玩得高兴是,一个男孩把我推倒(push over)我的朋友受伤严重,疼得(painful)站不起来。其他同学看到后,立即把我扶起来并送至医院。医生仔细检查(check over)说不要紧要我休息就好。

Last saturday afternoon, i was playing soccer with a few friends. Just when we were having fun, a boy pushed me over and I was injured pretty bad, it was so painful that I couldn't stand up. Other classmates saw this, helped me up quickly and took me to the hospital. The doctor carefully checked over me and said it's nothing big and I should just rest.

The last Saturday afternoon, I and several schoolmates kick a ball together. Plays happily in us is, a boy push over me friend of mine to be injured seriously, painful not to be able to stand. Other schoolmates saw after, helps up immediately me and delivers to the hospital. Doctor carefully check over say no problem wants me to rest well .