
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/03 16:08:15
1, 我有一个朋友叫约翰,心地善良,乐于助人,常常把别人的事看成自己的事,甚至看得比自己的事更加重。所以很多人有问题都喜欢找他帮忙。他不仅如此,而且还很大方,经常把自己的东西借给别人用,大家不还,他也不说,就这样算了。亲戚们都说他很傻,但是他依然如故。他有他自己的想法,多一个朋友多一条路,今天他帮助了别人,等到哪一天他有麻烦了,别人也会帮助他的。

2, 我的一个叫琼斯的朋友,他为人处事很灵活,在学校里,既得到老师的喜爱,又受到同学们的拥护。在团队工作时,他善于和人合作,不喜欢和人抢功。而且他很能关心他人、理解他人,许多与他合作的人都感觉很满意,并且期待下次还能和他合作。

3, 汤姆是我的一个好朋友。他是一个很有信念的人,一旦决定去做某事,就会认真去做的,而且不达到目标就不罢休。同时他也是一个很诚信的人,答应了别人的事,就一定会做到的,所以他是一个很可靠的朋友。他工作非常卖力,不怕累,肯吃苦,简直就像一台活生生的机器。


1, my having a friend is John, good natured, take pleasure in help others, usually see the other people's business own matter, even see more more heavy than own matter.So the many people has problems to all like to seek his help.He not only such, and still not stingy, usually lend own thing to the other people to use, everyone return, he also say, calculate so.The relativeses all say he is very silly, but he is still such as past.He has his own viewpoint, having another a friend to have another one road, he helped other people today, wait until which day he was in Dutch, the other people will also help his.

2, my a call the 琼斯 of friend, his behavior deal with affairs very vivid, in the school, since get the teacher's fancy, and then is support by the classmates.At the team work, he is good at cooperating with person, don't like to rob 功 with person.And he can concern others and comprehend others very much, many persons who cooperate with him all feel very satisfied, and expect and can also cooperate with him next time.

3, Tom is one of my good friend.He is a person who has conviction very much, once deciding to do a some matter, will do hard of, and don't attain a target and give up.He is also a very in the meantime the person of the trustworthiness, promise the other people's business, will certainly attain of, so he is a dependable friend.His work works harder very much, not afraid and tired, be willing to bear suffering, be like simply one pedestal living machine.

The right bower is the friend whom I be good friends with most , he keeps a rate very much, I if do amiss what matter of words, he will be my noodles, blaming mine.Certainly, he does amiss to settle a dispute him and will also admit actively by himself.He doesn't like to suppress an affair to speak in mind but not.He is very full of person of the sense of righteousness again, usually attacking an unfair matter of society.But he to the whole society be still very optimistic of, think the society will get well finally, he be an all requite an optimistic attitude to anything of person.

1, my having a friend is John, good natured, take pleasure in help others, usually see the other people's business own matter, even see more more heavy than own matter.So the many people has problems to all like to seek his help.He not only such, and still not stingy, usually lend own thing to the other people to use, everyone return, he also say, calculate so.The relativeses all say he is very silly, but he is still such as past.He has his own viewpoint, having another a friend to have another one road, he helped other people today, wait until which day he was in Dutch, the other people will also help his.

2, my a call the of friend, his behavior deal with affairs very vivid, in the school, since get the teacher's fancy, and then is support by the classmates.At the team work, he is good at cooperating with person, don't like to rob 功 with person.And he can concern others and comprehend others very much, many persons who cooperate with him all feel very satisfied, and expect and can also cooperate with him next time.

3, Tom is one of my good friend.He is a person who has conviction very much, once deciding to do a some matter, will do hard of, and don't attain a target and give up.He is also a very in the meantime the person of the trustworthiness, promise the other people's business, will certainly attain of, so he is a dependable friend.His work works harder very much, not afraid and tired, be willing to bear suffering, be like simply one pedestal living machine.

The right bower is the friend whom I be good friends with most , he keeps a rate very much, I if do amiss what matter of words, he will be my noodles, blaming mine.Certainly, he does amiss to settle a dispute him and will also admit actively by himself.He doesn't like to suppress an affair to speak in mind but not.He is very full of person of the sense of righteousness again, usually attacking an unfair matter of society.But he to the whole society be still very optimistic of, think the society will get well finally, he be an all requite an optimistic attitude to anything of person.

1, my having a friend is John, good natured, take pleasure in help others, usually see the other people's business own matter, even see more more heavy than own matter.So the many people has problems to all like to seek his help.He not only such, and still not stingy, usually lend own thing to the other people to use, everyone return, he also say, calculate so.The relativeses all say he is very silly, but he is still such as past.He has his own viewpoint, having another a friend to have another one road, he helped other people today, wait until which day he was in Dutch, the other people will also help his.

2, my a call the of friend, his behavior deal with affairs very vivid, in the school, since get the teacher's fancy, and then is support by the classmates.At the team work, he is good at cooperating with person, don't like to rob 功 with person.And he can concern others and comprehend others very much, many persons who cooperate with him all feel very satisfied, and expect and can also cooperate with him next time.

3, Tom is one of my good friend.He is a person who has conviction very much, once deciding to do a some matter, will do hard of, and don't attain a target and give up.He is also a very in the meantime the person of the trustworthiness, promise the other people's business, will certainly attain of, so he is a dependable friend.His work works harder very much, not afraid and tired, be willing to bear suffering, be like simply one pedestal living machine.

The right bower is the friend whom I be good friends with most , he keeps a rate very much, I if do amiss what matter of words, he will be my noodles, blaming mine.Certainly, he does amiss to settle a dispute him and will also admit actively by himself.He doesn't like to suppress an affair to speak in mind but not.He is very full of person of the sense of righteousness again, usually attacking an unfair matter of society.But he to the whole society be still very optimistic of, think the society will get well finally, he be an all requite an optimistic attitude to anything of person.