
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 00:41:25

the use of modern educational technology in subject teaching

Keywords: modern education technology, subject teaching, multimedia, computer-assisted teaching
Abstract: With the further development of the Internet era,computer technology has been used gradually in education.Modern educational technology have emerged. This article analyses the modern role of education in support of teaching of modern educational technology through its background, characteristics, patterns and forms,at the same time it gives an analysis of modern educational technology and traditional teaching, and their own existent problems.


The Application of Modern Educational Techniques in Subject Teaching


Keywords: modern educational technique, subject teaching, multimedia, computer assisted teaching


Abstract: With the further development of internet era, computer technology has been gradually applied into education, and Modern educational techniques emerge as the times require. By the analysis of background, characteristics and fashions of modern educational techniques, this paper provides the exoatiation on modern educational techniques' sustaining effect on subject teaching and the analysis of relation with traditional teaching as well as downsides in itself.

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A Study on the Application of Modern Education Technology in Subject Teaching

Abstract: With the development of computer network, computer technology has been gradually applied in education and, consequently,modern education technology emerged. Through analyzing the background、modes, and forms of modern education, this paper expounds on the supporting function of modern education technology on subject teaching, its relation with traditional teaching, and some of its deficiencies.

Keywords: modern education technology, subject teaching, multimedia, computer assisted teaching

题目:现代教育技术在学科教学中的应用 (The usage of modern educational technologies in subject teaching)
关键词:现代教育技术(modern educational technology),学科教学(subject teaching),多媒体(multimedia),计算机辅助教学(computer supported teaching)
summary: Following the further developments in the Internet Era, computer technologies had been gradually integrated into education, causing the emergence of modern education technology. This article analyzed modern educational techologies's background, characteristics, patterns and forms, stated modern education's support utility to subject teaching, and analyzed the connections between modern education technology and traditional teaching, as well as still existing problems.

Acconrding to the development of network, computerised technologies are increasingly used into educating field, modern eductational technology emerges as the time require. This document expatiated the important of modern educating as supporting tool to the educating of verable subjects, through the analysis of modern educating technologies' background, charateristics, pattern and framework. At the same time, it has also analyzed the relationship between modern educating technology and traditional education, and the problem existes in the modern educating technology.