
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/02 19:15:54
This paper has mainly analyzed and summarized the lexical features in English advertisements. Through carefully analyzing different kinds of English advertisements,the author wants to help people to better appreciate and understand the connotation of English advertisements to be conveyed. This paper will be presented in four parts. The first part is the introduction and the last conclusion. The focus of the paper is laid on the two middle parts. Given the sufficient reasons why the author wants to study the lexical features in English advertisements. Have defined what is advertising and then reviewed a number of different areas for the study of English advertisements. Finally, the author presented one’s own research direction,the next launch is the author of the exploratory study.

This paper has mainly analyzed and summarized(时态不对) the lexical features in English advertisements. Through carefully analyzing different kinds of English advertisements(建议前面用纯名次性结构),the author wants(wants一词过于口语化) to help people to better appreciate and understand the connotation of English advertisements to be conveyed(后置不定式定语可以省略). This paper will be presented in four parts. The first part is the introduction and the last conclusion. The focus of the paper is laid on the two middle parts(考虑将上两句合并。摘要重视简洁). Given the sufficient reasons why the author wants to study the lexical features in English advertisements(这句话有问题). Have defined what is advertising and then reviewed a number of different areas for the study of English advertisements(同上,句子没有主语,还有其他一些问题). Finally, the author presented one’s own research direction,the next launch is the author of the exploratory study(方向一词不适合直译,launch用的不合适。这句话写得不太好.)



This papers aims to analyze and summarize the lexical features of English advertisements. Through an elaborate study of different types of advertisements, the author intends to help people better understand and appreciate the connotations of English advertisements. The paper is laid out in four parts, with the first and the last serving as introduction and conclusion and the middle part as the core of the paper. Firstly, the author highlights the significance of the research on the lexical features of English advertisements, defines the elements of effective advertising, and then reviews the researches conducted in a number of relevant fields. Finally, the author presents his research orientation and explores the subject in depth.
1)这个问题和翻译无关。你的文章的目的读者是普通市民还是广告制作者(包括广告语言设计者)?你的原话是“使人们可以更好的欣赏和理解英语广告所要传达的涵义”。改成“使人们重视广告语言的艺术,创造出高水准的广告”也许更好。也许应该兼而有之:帮助人们欣赏广告的内涵,促进广告艺术水准的提高…. 估计你的论文已经写完了,不适合再做过多的修改了。(这个汉语摘要最重要的问题是过于偏重介绍论文的形式结构而忽略了论文的思想内容)

你的译文还是不错的,英美人士读起来完全能看懂大意。小错误有点多,比如:focus,launch等词汇问题,a number of different areas for the study of English advertisements.和is the author of the exploratory study等表达问题…


not too bad,
but it looks like chinese english.

This paper has mainly analyzed and summarized the lexical features in English advertisements. Through carefully(careful) analyzing(of) different kinds of English advertisements,the author wants to help people to better appreciate and understand the connotation of English advertisements () conveyed. This paper will be presented in four parts. The first part is the introduction and the last (part is) the conclusion. The focus of the paper is laid on the two middle parts. Given the sufficient reasons why the author wants to study the lexical features in English advertisements, "Have" (and having) defined what is advertising and then "reviewed" (the review of) a number of different areas for the study of English advertisements. "Finally," () the author presented one’s own research direction", the"(. The) next launch is the author of the exploratory study.