一起打麻将 全民大丰收:高手,高手帮忙翻译一下!

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/06 13:00:51
The calculations in a location-discrete model can be reduced considerably by prolonging the segments because this will reduce the number of events. But this abstraction will also make the representation less accurate. The representation accuracy of location-discrete models of steady conveyors for piece goods therefore has to be evaluated in a direct comparison with the event-discrete simluation in order to verify its suitability for practical use.This study is based on the model of the irreducible transport hubs [Gro schallau84] (fig. 1) which differentiates between the three elements track, switch and junction in order to simulate the conveyor elements.
Fig. 1: Variables at a junction and effect of the strategy on the flow rate
Owing to the location-discrete modelling the time set-off for the given conveying speed is only small at tracks and switches compared to continuous event-discretely modelled conveying processes. At junctions, however, the predetermined handling strategies may lead to a variation of lead and waiting times for piece goods (transport objects) before the elements. This can have a decisive influence on the distribution of these time shares within a more complexe model consisting of many hubs. The central aspect of this study therefore is the junction element.
The model consists of a junction with two input tracks where goods sequences with randomly distributed intermediate arrival times are dispatched and which are handled by the junction element according to the strategy. For each transport object the time when it enters and leaves the model and thus the lead and waiting times can be determined individually (fig. 2).
Fig. 2: Comparison of a continuous and a location-discrete model
The simulated container conveyor system holds containers of equal length. For the location- discrete model the segment length is set to the length of one container.
The input sequences at the paths E1 and E2 are set as continuous, randomly distributed inputtimes with an average intermediate arrival time λm between two objects. For the location-discrete model the input times have been converted into integral values on the time basis T. Each of the generated input sequences is simulated according to four strategies (fig. 1) for both cases. The result are the total lead time TLT as well as the sum of the path-related waiting times WT1 and WT2.
The x-coordinate in figure 3 shows the accumulated distribution of the relative deviations between the location-discrete and the continuous simulation of these three variables. In the location-discrete simulation the chance that two containers arrive at the junction simultaneously sinks in line with a sinking intermediate arrival time. Stochastic and batch-wise handling can only be carried out at random. For this reason the output sequences of both simulations may differ by pairs. The bit error rate as indicator for containers which have been confused at the junction by pairs indicates the frequency of these confusions during a predetermined input sequence.
Fig. 3: Relative deviations and bit errors of TLT and WT in the location-discrete simulation (kum.)

你不用用 GOOGLE 翻译的来骗人 好不好???

因为这将会减少事件的数字,所以一个位置- 不连续的模型计算能非常地藉由延长片段被减少。 但是这抽象化也将会使表现比较不正确。 块货物的稳定运送装置的位置- 不连续模型的表现准确性因此必须为了要为实际的使用查证它的适合 , 在一个直接的比较中被事件- 不连续的 simluation 评估。这一项研究以为了要模拟运送装置元素 , 在三元素轨道,开关和联接之间区别的不能复归为传送毂 [Gro schallau84](图 1) 的模型为基础。
图 1: 变数以在流程方面的一个联接和策略的效果估价
由于位置- 不连续的做模型时间设定-走开对于给予的传达速度只是小的在轨道和被与连续的事件相较的开关-不连续地做模型传达程序。 在联接,然而, 那预定操作的策略在元素之前可能为块货物 ( 传送物体) 导致一种领引和等候的变化时代。 这能在一个有许多毂的较多 complexe 模型里面对这些时间部份的分配有一决定性的影响力。 这一项研究的中央方面因此是联接元素。
模型有有二个和任意地分配的中间抵达的货物序列乘的输入轨道的一个联接被派遣和被依照策略的联接元素处理。当它进入而且留下模型的时候,对于每传送反对时间,而且如此领引和候补时代能被个别地 (图 2) 决定。
图 2: 连续和一位置的比较- 不连续的模型
被模拟的容器运送装置系统支撑相等长度的容器。 对于位置- 不连续的模型片段长度被设定成一个容器的长度。
在路径 E1 和 E2 的输入序列被设定如连续的, 任意地和平均的中间抵达分配了 inputtimes 计时在二个物体之间的λ m。 对于位置- 不连续的模型时代已经在时间基础 T. 上转换成整体的价值每被产生的输入序列的输入被为两者的情形依照四个策略 (图 1) 模拟。 结果是总领引时间 TLT 和路径讲的候补时代 WT1 和 WT2 的总数。