
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/03 06:34:51

问题补充:我要以Before the summer holidays 开头

我觉得goldfishes 的“Before the summer holidays there is a festival called "fathers' day" ”用词、语法都挺不错,就是缺少了一点点文采,仅指出了暑假前有个父亲节这个事实,不如后面几位用come来得形象。

bjxyuan521的“Befor the summer holidays,"Fathers' Day" will come in advance. ”语法上没有什么问题,不过Before和in advance似有重复之嫌,看上去不那么地道。

slowday 的“Father's Day is coming before summer vacation. ”因为不符合楼主的要求,就不妄加评论了,其实,这句译得很顺。

倔强的查的“Befor the summer holidays,"Fathers' Day" comes earlier.”中的earlier似乎不适合用在这里。

~傻妞不傻~的“Before the summer hoilday,"Father's Day is coming. ”译得是可以的,就是“会先到来”这个意思表达得不明确。

根据楼主提供的信息,要求Before the summer hoildays在句首,但主旨又是强调父亲节先到来,所以,我个人觉得,后半句最好用倒装句进行强调处理。这样,既突出了父亲节的先到来,又符合Before the summer hoilday在句首的要求。比如:

Before the summer hoildays, comes Father's Day.

Before the summer holidays there is a festival called "fathers' day"

Befor the summer holidays,"Fathers' Day" comes earlier.

Father's Day is coming before summer vacation.

Befor the summer holidays,"Fathers' Day" will come in advance.

Before the summer hoilday,"Father's Day is coming.