
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/07/17 08:34:47

One day,a extraterrestrial being called Omega were landing in the Earth.
He had a apparatus.The apparatus can dope out human cerebral thought.
He had two big arks A and B,A is always translucent.There were 1000 dollars in it.B is opaque,there were 1000000 dollars in

it or it's empty.
He told every testee they have two chance.
1、bring two arks,but when you brought it,I will make B empty.You will gained 1000 dollars
2、just bring B,when you brought it,I will make B has 1000000 dollars.You will gained 1000000 dollars
A young man think:If I chose,I would bring B,then I would have 1000000 dollars.
A young woman think:If I chose,I would bring two arks,because Omega has finished his test and gone.The arks isn't

changing.So,if it's empty,it'll empty.If it has money,it'll have money.I gained more 1000 dollars for ever.
Question:who says true?Who says false?


One day,an extraterrestrial being called Omega was landing on the Earth.
He had an apparatus.The apparatus can dope out human cerebral thought.
He had two big arks A and B. A is always translucent.There was 1000 dollars in it.B is opaque,there was 1000000 dollars in it or it's empty.
He told every testee they have two chances.
1、Bring two arks,but when you brought them,I will make B empty.You will gain 1000 dollars.
2、Bring only B,when you bring it,I will fill B with 1000000 dollars.You will gain 1000000 dollars
A young man thinks:If I chose,I would bring B,then I would have 1000000 dollars.
A young woman thinks:If I chose,I would bring two arks,because Omega has finished his test and gone.The arks isn't changing.So,if it's empty,it'll be empty.If it has money,it'll have money.I gain more 1000 dollars for ever.
Question:whose thought is true?Whose thought is false?

一般以元音字母开头的名词前的不定冠词要用an,例如an extraterrestrial.第一行里面的were应该用was,第三行里面的is都改成was.还有一些错误就是从句的时态应与主句保持一致。