
来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/04 21:13:37
是一段基督徒的自述, 好心人翻译一下```
[末日警钟,耶稣快来---前言] 亲爱的兄弟姐妹,主内平安! 愿主耶稣的父上帝籍着他儿子的名平安,恩惠赐给你们!

我是一个罪人,蒙了神的拯救和恩典,神叫哦眼睛得开;从黑暗中归向光明,从撒旦权下归向上帝.神又赦免我的过犯和罪恶,.所以我把从神所听到的,看见的,得到的,神托付我的见证给弟兄姐妹.目的是让大家知道,主快来了,也是让我的良心得到安慰.因这十几年来,我一直把这事埋藏在心里,不愿和别人说,这是为什么呢?因我胆怯,惧怕,不敢面对一切,这次我是在圣灵的催促下,良心受到谴责,才和大家一起来为主作见证,这见证正如圣经所记:"神为爱他的人所预备的,是眼睛未曾看到,耳朵未曾听见,人心也未曾想到,从主耶稣复活升天到如今没有的事." 就是主耶稣的灵奉父命从天上降临,敲响末日的警钟

Dear brothers sisters,In the host is safe! Is willing to advocate Jesus's father God nationality his son's name to be safe, graciousness kindly bestows for you! http://www.ebigear.com/SoundTest/PlayResource.php?Res=134|7777700005300&ID=89834
I am a criminal,Has hoodwinked god saving with kindness,The god is called oh the eye to open;Turns toward the light from darkness, turns toward God from the Satan powerThe god remits my fault and the evil.Therefore I hear from the god,Sees, obtains, the god entrusts my testimony to give the brother the sistersThe goal is lets everybody know,The host has come quickly, also is lets my conscience obtain the comfortBecause of this for several years,I bury continuously this matter in the heart,Is not willing with others to say,Why is this?Because I am timid,Fears,Does not dare facing all, this I am under the Holy Ghost urging,The conscience receives the condemnation,Only then and everybody comes primarily to make the testimony together,This testimony just like the Holy Bible records:The "god for likes him the person preparing,Is the eye not sees to,The ear not hears, the will of the people also not thought,From advocated Jesus to reactivate ascends to heaven until now no matter"is advocates Jesus's spirit to present the father to assign arrives from the space,Sounds the weekend the alarm bell


I am guilty,but the God rescues me, He leads me toward the light with his kindness. He took me out of Satan's control and take me under his wing. He pardons my crimes and faults. That's why I tell me siblings of what I heard, see, get from the God. My purpose is to let everyone of you to know that, God is coming. and also to comfort my conscience. During these pass years, I kept this to myself, I never tell anybody. why? because i am afraid. I don't want to face anything. This time, under the urgency of the Holy Spirit, my conscience was accused.So now I want everyone of you to stand by God's side. The bible had said," 神为爱他的人所预备的,是眼睛未曾看到,耳朵未曾听见,人心也未曾想到,从主耶稣复活升天到如今没有的事." 就是主耶稣的灵奉父命从天上降临,敲响末日的警钟"

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